Sunday, July 20, 2014

1271-1280 MCQ in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery


1271) The frontal sinus reaches the ADULT size at

A.   2
B. 10
C. 12
D. 15
E. 18

1272) Which of the following anatomical features related to the frontal sinus  is FALSE?

A. The floor of the frontal sinus forms the medial portion of the orbital roof.
B. The posterior table forms a portion of the anterior cranial fossa.
C. The nasofrontal recess is the outflow tract of the frontal sinus.
D. The vascular supply to the frontal sinus is from arteries branches of the external carotid system.
E. The ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve provides sensory innervation to the frontqal sinus.

1273) Frontal Sinus Fractures are ASSOCIATED with serious injuries in

A.    5%
B.  10%
C.  25%
D.  50%
E.  75%

1274) The BEST test to identify Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in a salty nasal and postnasal drainage is

A. "Halo test"
B.  Beta-2 transferrin
C. Glucose test
D. Protein test
E. Electrolytes test

1275) Which of the facial statements related to a female proper FACIAL PROPORTIONS is FALSE?

A. Horizontal lines are drawn through the forehead hairline, the brows, tip of the nose and the lower margin of the chin
B. The face should be five times the width of one eye.
C. The chin projection should be in line with the lower lip
D.The nasalabial angle ought to measure about 105 degrees.
E. The nasofrontal angle ought to measure about 125 degrees.

1276)  Which of following statements regarding the graft used in the picture is TRUE? (See drawing below)

A. It is a crushed or small pieces of cartilage from the nasal septum only.
B. It is placed in the anterior aspect of the columella.
C. It is used to decrease the columellar-labial angle.
D. It is used to create the appearance of nasal tip rotation.
E. It is contraindicated in a retracted columella

1277) Which of the following statements related to rhinoplasty is FALSE?

A. Most of the septorhinoplasties can be performed under local anesthesia and IV sedation.
B. Uncomplicated septorhinoplasty usually take about 1 hour.
C. The nose is usually packed after septorhinoplasty.
D. The protective splint and nasal dressings are removed 7 days after surgery.
E.  Columellar sutures - in open rhinoplasty - are removed 7 days after surgery.

1278) Which of the following rhinoplasty post-operative statements is FALSE?

A. The protective splint and dressing are removed in one week.
B. 90% of the postoperative nasal swelling disappear by 7 days.
C. Make up can be used after 7 days.
D. Return to work is recommended after 7 days.
D. A rhinoplasty final result is seen in 3 months.

1279) What is the proper time to see the rhinoplasty patient in his/her first postoperative clinic visit?

A. 24 hours
B. 48 hours
C.   3 days
D.   5 days
E.   7 days

1280) Which of the following statements related to brow/ upper lid anatomy is FALSE?

A. The Muller muscle is innervated by the cranial nerve III.
B. The highest point of the brow is at the lateral limbus.
C  The lateral cantus of eyelid is located 2 mm higher than the medial canthus.
D. The lacrimal sac drains into the nasal cavity as the nasolacrimal duct located in the inferior meatus.
E. The medial and lateral ends of the brow should lie on the same horizontal plane.


1271) D    15

Brandley Strong E. : Frontal Sinus and Naso-Orbital-Ethmoid Complex Fractures, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Papel I.D., editor), Thieme, 2009, pp.977-990

1272) D     The vascular supply to the frontal sinus is from arteries branches of the external carotid system.

Brandley Strong E. : Frontal Sinus and Naso-Orbital-Ethmoid Complex Fractures, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Papel I.D., editor), Thieme, 2009, pp.977-990

1273) E     75%

Brandley Strong E. : Frontal Sinus and Naso-Orbital-Ethmoid Complex Fractures, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Papel I.D., editor), Thieme, 2009, pp.977-990

1274) B     Beta-2 transferrin

Brandley Strong E. : Frontal Sinus and Naso-Orbital-Ethmoid Complex Fractures, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Papel I.D., editor), Thieme, 2009, pp.977-990

1275) A     Horizontal lines are drawn through the forehead hairline, the brows, tip of the nose and the lower margin of the chin

McCollough:  Consultation, chapter 3 in Nasal Plastic Surgery, W. B. Saunders Co. , 1994, pp. 31-46

1276) D       It is used to create the appearance of nasal tip rotation

Brenner M. J., Hilger P. A.: Grafting in Rhinoplasty, Facial Plastic Clinics of North America, Cosmetic Rhinoplasty, Saunders,  Feb. 2009, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 91-113

1277) C      The nose is usually packed after septorhinoplasty

McCollough:  Rhinoplasty: An Overview, chapter 5 in Nasal Plastic Surgery, W. B. Saunders Co. , 1994, pp. 55-73

1278) E     A rhinoplasty final result is seen in 3 months.

McCollough:  Rhinoplasty: An Overview, chapter 5 in Nasal Plastic Surgery, W. B. Saunders Co. , 1994, pp. 55-73

1279) E     7 days

McCollough:  Rhinoplasty: Postoperative Instructions, chapter 6 in Nasal Plastic Surgery, W. B. Saunders Co. , 1994, pp. 75-82

1280) A     The Muller muscle is innervated by the cranial nerve III.

Branham G., Holds J. B.: Brow/Upper Lid Anatomy, Aging and Aesthetic Analysis, Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Midface and Periocular Rejuvenation, Vol. 23, No. 2. May 2005,  pp.117-127

Updated: March 19, 2018

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