Updated: May 28, 2018
1) Which of the following unilateral cleft lip repairs is the ONE represented in the drawing below?

B. Tennison-Randall
C. Millard with triangular flap inferiorly based
D. Two-triangle flap
E. LeMesurier
2) The “pinch technique” in blepharoplasty is MOST commonly used with which technique
A. Subciliary transcutaneous lower eyelid blepharoplasty, skin technique
B. Subciliary transcutaneous lower eyelid blepharoplasty, skin-muscle technique
C. Subciliary transcutaneous lower eyelid blepharoplasty, both techniques mentioned above
D. Transconjuntival lower lid blepharoplasty
E. Lower eyelid blepharoplasty, SOOF (suborbicularis oculi fat) technique
3) The END POINT of microdermabrasion is which of the following?
A. Erythema.
B. Edema
C. Blister formation
D. Yellow-pale decoloration of the skin
E. Frosting
4) Which of the following techniques is the MOST useful to treating glabellar frown lines?
A. Chemical peeling
B. Botox injection
C. Microdermabrasion
D. Dermabrasion
E. CO2 laser resurfacing
5) The VERTICAL GLABELLAR frown lines are due to the contraction of which muscle?
A. Frontalis muscle
B. Corrugator muscle
C. Procerus muscle
D. Orbicularis oculi muscle
E. Depressor supercilii
6) The helical rim in microtia repair is created by which number CONTRALATERAL COSTAL RIB?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
E. 9
7) Which of the following statements IS TRUE about a “note flap”?
A. It is a rotation flap
B. It is useful to close a rectangular defect
C. It is useful to close a fusiform defect
D. It is useful to close a circular defect
E. It is an advancement flap
8) An aggressive helical rim setback will PRODUCE which of the following occurrences?
A. Protrusion of the lobule
B. Extrusion of the sutures
C. Vertical post deformity
D. Telephone ear deformity
E. Reverse telephone ear deformity
9) On the lateral view the columelar show or alar/columellar relationship SHOULD BE how many mm?
A. 0 mm
B. 1 mm
C. 3 mm
D. 5 mm
E. 6 mm
10) The nasolabial angle in the male IS CHARACTERIZED by which of the following?
A. It is 80 degrees.
B. It is 105 degrees.
C. It is more acute than the female.
D. It is more obtuse than the female.
E. There is no difference between males and females.
1) B Tennison-Randall
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2) D Transconjuntival lower lid blepharoplasty
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3) A Erythema
Freeman M. S.: Microdermabrasion, Facial Rejuvenation: Nonsurgical Modalities, Facial Plastic Surgey Clinics of North America, Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 257-259, 2001
4) B Botox injection
Carruthers J., Carruthers A.: Botulinum Toxin (Botox) Chemodenervation for Facial Rejuvenation in Facial Plastic of North America, Vol. 9 No. 2, p. 198, May 2001
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5) B Corrugator muscle
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6) E 9
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7) D It is useful to close a circular defect
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8) E Reverse telephone ear deformity
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Nachlas N.E.: Otoplasty in chapter 34, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Thieme Medical Publishers, Third edition (Ira Papel, editor) p. 421-433, 2009
9) C 3 mm
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10) C It is more acute than the female
Orten S.S., Hilger P.A.: Facial Analysis of the Rhinoplasty Patient in chapter 31, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Thieme Medical Publishers, second edition (Ira Papel, editor) pp. 365, 2002
Boahen K.D.O., Orten S.S., Hilger P.A.: Facial Analysis of the Rhinoplasty Patient in chapter 38, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Thieme Medical Publishers, Third edition (Ira Papel, editor) p. 477-487, 2009
Gillman G. S.: Rhioplasty: Incisions, Aproaches and Analysis, chapter 180, Bailey's Head & Neck Surgery Otolaryngology, (Johnson J.T., Rosen C. A.,editors), Volume two, fifth edition, Wolters Klumer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2014, pp.2941-2951
Updated: May 28, 2018
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