1) Free of charge and open to anyone with available internet connection
2) Specificity to Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
3) Extensive coverage. MCQ's in FPRS Project covers all areas of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
4) MCQ's in FPRS database available. Each question is classified, therefore, you can review questions by different subjects: complications, treatment, anatomy, diagnosis/assessment, wound healing, etc
5) Practice testing sample available. Blocks of 10 questions each are organized for practice purposes. The correct answers are at the end of each block of 10 questions, as well as the exact references from which the questions were extracted. Blocks of 100 questions each are also available for your convenience.
6) Each question has one, two or three references related to the subject from which the question was extracted. These references, if studied, will maximize the full potential of the learning tool.
7) List of useful/recommended FPRS references available for further reading and study.
8) 10% drawing questions (black and white). The idea is to diminish the monotony of the project by separating blocks of 10 questions each.
9) Easy revision & update: Electronic format will allow easy revision & update over the internet.
This publication is most likely to be an effective learning tool in basic and clinical science for 5-6 years. An small percentage of questions may be affected in a period of 5 years term, due to new developments in medical practice.
However, the project as a unit will remain solid for the purpose intended, a practical tool to assist the reader in learning the material and /or in passing the examinations. Therefore, an update will most likely be needed in 5 years in order to revise the questions, incorporating the new developments and changes in management.
10) Availability of email. Being the reader the ultimate critic and commentator, an email address will be used in order to receive ideas, comments and critiques which will then be used to make improvements or revision. Comments are welcome.

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