661) Which of the following SUTURES are depicted in the drawing below?

B. Interdomal sutures
C. Flaring sutures
D. Dome-binding sutures
E. Submucosal sutures
662) Which of the following ABOUT the Temporalis Muscle for facial reanimation is TRUE?
A. It is successful in restoring a smile in 60% of the patients.
B. It is successful in improving mouth function in 70 % of the patients.
C. Incision in the scalp is made just posterior to the auricle and is extended superiorly to the parietal region.
D. The mid-portion of the Temporalis Muscle is used.
E. The Temporalis Muscle is sutured to the corner of the mouth without overcorrection.
663) Which of the following statement is the PRINCIPAL VASCULAR SUPPLY for the Iliac Crest Composite Flap used in oromandibular reconstruction?
A. The Superficial Circumflex Iliac artery (SCIA)
B. The Deep Circumflex Iliac Artery (DCIA)
C. The Superior Deep Branch of the Gluteal Artery alone
D. The Ascending Branch of the Lateral Circumflex Femoral Artery alone
E. Both the Superior Deep Branch of the Gluteal Artery and the Ascending Branch of the Lateral Circumflex Femoral Artery
664) Which of the following represents the HIGHEST PERCENTAGE OF PATHOLOGICAL FRACTURE reported after harvest of a Radial Bone Foream Free Flap?
A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 30%
D. 40%
E. 50%
665) Which of the following represents THE PERCENTAGE of a muscle atrophy occurring after muscular flap transfer?
A. 5%
B. 10%
C. 20%
D. 30%
E. 40%
666) Which of the following statements about the Sternocleidomastoid Muscle Flap is FALSE?
A. It can be used for repair of cheek defects.
B. Superiorly it is perfused by branches of the Occipital Artery.
C. It is critical to include at least two vessels to have a reliable axial-patterned flap
D. It is innervated by the Spinal Accessory Nerve.
E. It can only be used if it is superiorly based.
667) Which of the following is THE PROPER TIMING for initial surgical intervention in MID-FACIAL abnormalities associated with craniomaxillofacial deformities?
A. 6 months
B. 12 months
C. 2 years
D. 4 years
E. 16 years
668) Which of the following statements about the Buccal Fat Pad and its "pseudoherniation" is FALSE?
A. The normal buccal fat pad has four extensions from its body.
B. The antero-inferior displacement of the pterygoid extension is the cause of the "pseudoherniation" of the Buccal Fat Pad.
C. "Pseudoherniation" of the Buccal Fat Pad presents clinically as a soft, nontender, walnut-sized, lower cheek subcutaneous mass.
D. The "pseudoherniation" of the Buccal Fat Pad is reduced temporarily by pushing it in and upward toward the zygoma.
E. The "pseudoherniation" of the Buccal Fat Pad can be accessed though an incision in the upper gingivobuccal groove just above the first molar.
669) Which of the following anatomical structures is the one that comprises the PHARYNGEAL COMPONENT of the velopharyngeal closure?
A. Levator veli palatine
B. Palatoglossus
C. Inferior constrictor
D. Superior constrictor
E. Tensor veli palatine
670) Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the Fasciocutaneous Radial Forearm Free Flap (FCRFFF) and/or the Osteocutaneous Radial Forearm Free Flap (OCRFFF)?
A. The FCRFFF is the most common free flap used in Head and Neck Reconstruction.
B. Both the FCRFFF and OCRFFF are based on the Perforator Arteries and their two venae comitantes.
C. In the OCRFFF, the thickness of the bone graft is usually 50% of the cross sectional area of the Radius.
D. The length of the bony graft in the OCRFFF can reach up to 14 cm.
E. In the OCRFFF, the reported rate of radial fracture is usually very high.
661) C Flaring sutures
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Papel I. D.: Surgery of the Middle Vault, Chapter 43 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery , Second Edition, (Papel I. D, editor), 2009, pp. 555-561
May M., Drucker C.: Temporalis Muscle for Facial Reanimation, a 13-Year Experience with 224 Procedures, Arch. Otolaryngogology Head and Neck Surgery, Vol. 119, April 1993, pp.378-384
Hayden R. E., O’Leary M. J. : Mandibular Reconstruction, Chapter 46 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel and Nachlas, editors), 1992, pp.424-434
Moscoso J. F., Urken M. L.: The Iliac Crest Composite Flap for Oromandibular Reconstruction, in Reconstruction of the Mandibule and Oropharynx, Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America, Vol. 27, No. 6, Dec. 1994, pp.1097-1115
664) D 40%
Richardson D., Fisher S. E., Vaughan E. D., Brown J. S.: Radial Forearm Flap Donor-Site Complications and Morbidity”A Prospective Study, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, January 1997, Vol. 99, no.1, pp.109-115
Burkey B. B., Coleman Jr. J. R.: Microvascular Flaps, Chapter 47 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Papel I. D., editor), 2002, pp. 567-590
665) E 40%
Shindo M. L., Sullivan M. J.: Muscular and Myocutaneous Pedicled Flaps, Soft Tissue Augmentation and Reconstruction in the Head and Neck, Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America, Vol. 27, no. 1, February 1994, pp. 161-172
666) E It can only be used if it is superiorly based.
667) D 4 years
Vander Kolk C. A., Carson B. S., Guarnieri M.: Craniomaxillofacial Deformities, Chapter 63 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel I. D., editor), Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Second Edition, 2002, pp.795-802
668) B The antero-inferior displacement of the pterygoid extension is the cause of the "pseudoherniation" of the Buccal Fat Pad.
Matarasso A.: Pseudoherniation of the Buccal Fat Pad: A New Clinical Syndrome, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Nov. 2003,1716-1720
669) D Superior constrictor
Johns D. F., Rohrich R. J., Awada M: Velopharyngeal Incompetence: A Guide for Clinical Evaluation, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Dec. 2003, Vol.112, No.7, pp.1890-1897
670) D The length of the bony graft in the OCRFFF can reach up to 14 cm.
Burkey B. B., Coleman Jr, J.R.: Microvascular Flaps, chapter 47 in in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel, I.D. , editor), Second Edition, 2002, pp.569-571
Burkey B. B., Schmalbach C. E., Coleman Jr, J.R.: Microvascular Flaps, chapter 57 in in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel, I.D. , editor), Third Edition, 2009, pp. 765-793
Updated: June 15, 2017
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