681) The drawing below represents a Transposition Flap designed to close a circular defect with a diameter of "d". A tangent is drawn on one side of the circle , parallel to the RSTL. Which of the following measurements represents an adequate proportion between the length "X" and "d"?

B. X is equal to 1.25 d
C. X is equal to 1.50 d
D. X is equal to 1.75 d
E. X is equal to 2 d
682) Which of the following statements about the Dorsal Nasal Flap is FALSE?
A. It is a Transposition Flap.
B. It is useful for reconstruction of defects of the distal half of the nasal dorsum.
C. The flap is elevated in the submuscular/aponeurotic plane.
D. The defect should have a diameter not greater than 2 cm.
E. The defect should not extend more inferiorly than the Tip-Defining points.
683) Which of the following measurements can reduced the incidence of hematoma formation in male rhytidectomy?
A. Use of bipolar cauterization.
B. Use of vasoconstriction infiltration in the surgical wound.
C. Use of suctioning systems rather than penrose drains.
D. Meticulous perioperative blood pressure control and monitoring.
E. Heavy smoking history.
684) Which of the following statements regarding percutaneous lateral osteotomies is FALSE?
A. The percutaneous incision should be made with the flat edge of a 2-mm straight chisel
B. The chisel should be sharpened on a saline-moistened surgical black stone before each osteotomy
C. The percutaneous entry site is not closed with sutures
D. The chisel should be cleansed of any foreign body matter or material
E. Percutaneus osteotomies produce an imperceptible scar 100% of the time
685) Which of the following eyelid abnormalities is adequately corrected by the “Madame Butterfly” Procedure?
A. Postblepharoplasty Lower Eyelid Malposition
B. Eyelid Ptosis
C. Eyelid Dermatochalasis
D. Lower Eyelid Entropion
E. Lower Eyelid Mid-Third Full Thickeness Defect
686) Which of the following statements regarding Propofol is TRUE?
A. It is a benzodiazepine sedative.
B. It is very soluble in water.
C. Pain at the injection site is negligible.
D. The duration of action is aproximately 60 minutes.
E. It is related to a much faster recovery and reduced incidence of nausea and vomiting.
687) Under normal circumstances when does REVASCULARIZATON USUALLY occur after a Skin Flap Placement?
A. 6 hours
B. 12 hours
C. 24 hours
D. 4 days
E. 10 days
688) Which of the following statements is TRUE about LASER suspension microlaryngoscopy done under general anesthesia?
A. FIO2 should not be above of 5%
B. FIO2 should not be above of 10%
C. FIO2 should not be above of 20%
D. FIO2 should not be above of 30%
E. FIO2 should not be above of 40%
689) Which of the following skin grafts is BEST for covering the anterior floor of the mouth?
A. Split-thickness skin graft (STSG) with 0.005 inches of thickness
B. Split-thickness skin graft (STSG) with 0.010 inches of thickness
C. Split-thickness skin graft (STSG) with 0.017 inches of thickness
D. Split-thickness skin graft (STSG) with 0.025 inches of thickness
E. Full-thickness skin graft (FTSG)
690) Which of the following WILL NOT increase nasal tip projection?
A. Transdomal suture
B. Onlay tip graft
C. Columella strut
D. Approximation of medial crura footplates
E. Reduction of alar base
681) C X is equal to 1.50 d
Toriumi D. M., Larrabee Jr.: Skin Grafts and Flaps, Chapter 4 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Papel I.D., Nachlas N.E., editors), 1992, pp. 31-44
682) A It is a Transposition Flap.
Rohrich R. J. , Muzaffar A. R., Adams Jr. W. P., Hollier L. H.: The Aesthetic Unit Dorsal Nasal Flap: Rationale for Avoidind a Glabellar Incision, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, October 1999, Vol. 104, No. 5, pp. 1289-1294
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Perkins S. W., Naderi Shervin: Rhytidectomy, Chapter 19 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Papel I.D., editor), 2009, pp. 207-225
684) E Percutaneus osteotomies produce an imperceptible scar 100% of the time
Gryskiewicz J. M.: Visible Scars from Percutaneous Osteotomies, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Nov. 2005, Vol.116, No.6, pp. 1771-1775
685) A Postblepharoplasty Lower Eyelid Malposition
Li T. G. , Shorr N., Goldberg R.A: Comparison of Efficacy of Hard Palate Grafts with Acellular Human Dermis Grafts in Lower Eyelid Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Nov. 2005, Vol.116, No.6, pp. 1771-1775
Codner M.A.: Comparison of the Efficacy of Hard Palate Grafts with Acellular Human Dermis Grafts in Lower Eyelid Surgery, Discussion, Sept 2005, Vol. 116, No. 3, pp.879-880
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Fletcher M.V.: Anesthesia in Facial Plastic Surgery, Chapter 17 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Papel I.D., editor), 2009, pp. 189-206
687) D 4 days
Krause G. E., Lepore M. L.: Principles of Grafts and Flaps in chapter 51, Facial Plastic Surgery, in ENT secrets, Jafek B. W., Stark A.K., editors), 1996-pp.245-251
Hom D. B., Tope W. D.: Minimally Invasive Options and Skin Grafts for Cutaneous Reconstruction, Chapter 53 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Papel I.D., editor), 2009, pp. 703-719
688) E FIO2 should not be above of 40%
Ossoff R. H., Reinish L.: Laser Surgery: Basic Principles and Safety Considerations, Chapter 12 in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, (Cummings, Fredrickson, Harker, Krause, Schuller, editors), Second Edition, Volume 1, 1993, pp.199-213
Hom D. B., Tope W. D.: Minimally Invasive Options and Skin Options and Skin Grafts for Cutaneous Reconstruction, Chapter 43 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel, I. D, ,editor), Second Edition, 2002, pp. 512-527
Petruzzelli G. J., Johnson J. T.: Skin Grafts, Soft-Tissue Augmentation and Reconstruction in the Head and Neck, Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America, Vol. 27, N0. 1, February 1994, pp. 25-37
Guyuron B.: Dynamics in Rhinoplasty, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, May 2000, Vol. 105, No. 6, pp.2257-2259
Updated: June 15, 2017
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