701) Which of the following lines in the drawing represents a Killian incision?

B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
702) Which of the following statements about frontal sinus fractures is TRUE?
A. Mild force is required to fracture the anterior table of the frontal sinus.
B. Isolated anterior table fractures are the most common variety.
C. Associated facial fractures occur approximately 65% of the time
D. Treatment of facial fractures is standardized
E. Complications usually occur 6 months after fracture.
703) Which of following statements related to the use of the Laser Resurfacing is TRUE?
A. The most common problem after Laser Resurfacing is milia
B. Hyperpigmentation does not have an effective treatment
C. Erbium Laser Resurfacing has more risk of hypopigmentation than CO2 Laser Resurfacing.
D. True hypopigmentation occurs approximately 10 months after initial treatment.
E. Itching and blister formation are the initial presentations of herpetic viral infections.
704) Which of the following statements about facial Z-Plasty is FALSE?
A. It is used to align anatomic lines that are in unfavorable positions.
B. The arms are slightly greater than 1 cm.
C. It is used to lengthen a scar contraction.
D. It is used to rotate the dominant axis of a scar to a more favorable position.
E. It is used to avoid a contracture when an incision crosses a concavity.
705) Which of the following will benefit LEAST by Laser Skin Resurfacing?
A. Static rhytids
B. Dynamic rhytids
C. Actinic keratosis
D. Dyschromias
E. Acne
706) Which of the following statements is TRUE about Millard’s technique used in the repair of unilateral cleft lip?
A. It involves rotation and transposition flaps.
B. It is the best technique for achieving excellent cosmetic results in wider clefts.
C. It is used to decrease vertical scar contracture.
D. It has a tendency to form a small nostril.
E. Its use rarely will produce notching of the vermillian border.
707) Which of the following statements is FALSE about MIDFACE DEGLOVING?
A. It will require a sublabial incision through mucosa and periosteum.
B. It will require a full transfixion incision.
C. It will require a bilateral intercartilaginous incision.
D. It will require a complete anterior circumnasal release with preservation of infraorbital neurovascular bundle.
E. It will require a mid-columellar nasal incision.
708) Which of the following statements about lip anatomy and lip changes with advanced age is TRUE?
A. The height of the upper lip is approximately 10 mm at the midline.
B. The height of the lower lip is approximately 15 mm at the midline.
C. The central interlabial line between the upper and lower lips forms an M shape.
D. The upper lip has the appearance of a large smooth W.
E. The lower lip has the appearance of a M.
709) Which of the following statements about the use of tricholoracetic acid with concentration for medium depth peeling is TRUE?
A. Patients will require infiltration with local anesthesia and IV sedation.
B. The peeling agent will penetrate into the mid-reticular dermis.
C. The application of the peeling agent will produce severe redness.
D. 0.25% of acetic acid soaks in the postoperative period are contraindicated with tricholoracetic acid.
E. The peeling process for a full-face treatment usually lasts 10 days.
710) Which of the following about in microdermabrasion is TRUE?
A. It will produce debridement of the superficial papillary dermis.
B. It will require mild IV sedation.
C. It involves using a closed-loop with aluminum oxide crystals.
D. The end point of the technique is signaled by frosting of the skin.
E. Treatment sessions must be separated by 6 months.
701) A A
Kasperbauer J.L., Facer G W., Kern E. B: Reconstructive Surgery of the Nasal Septum, Chapter 40 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Second Edition, (Papel I.D, editor), 2002, pp.
Kasperbauer J.L., Facer G W., Kern E. B: Reconstructive Surgery of the Nasal Septum, Chapter 50 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Third Edition, (Papel I.D, editor), 2009, pp.
702) C Associated facial fractures occur approximately 65% of the time.
Strong B. E., Sykes J. M.: Frontal Sinus and Naso-orbito-ethmoid Complex Fractures, Chapter 59 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Thieme, Second Edition, (Papel, I, editor), 2002, pp. 747-768
Strong B. E.: Frontal Sinus and Naso-orbito-ethmoid Complex Fractures, Chapter 70 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Thieme, Third Edition, (Papel, I, editor), 2009, pp. 977-990
703) D True hypopigmentation occurs approximately 10 months after initial treatment.
Hamilton M. M: Carbon dioxide laser resurfacing, in Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, ((Hamilton M. M, guest editor), Elsevier Saunders, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2004, pp. 289-295
704) B The arms are slightly greater than 1 cm.
Cook T.A., Guida R.A., Burke A.L.C..: Soft Tissue Techniques, Chapter 3 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Thieme, Second Edition, (Papel, I, editor), 2002, pp. 26-37
Cook T.A., Guida R.A., Burke A.L.C..: Soft Tissue Techniques, Chapter 3 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Thieme, Third Edition, (Papel, I, editor), 2009, pp. 27-39
Papel I.D.: Z-Plasty in Atlas of Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology (Bailey & Calhoun, editors), Second Edition, Lippincott & Williams, 2001, pp. 666-667
705) B Dynamic rhytids
Hecht D.A., Light B., Toriumi D.M.: Atlas of Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology (Bailey & Calhoun, editors), Second Edition, Lippincott & Williams, 2001, pp. 530-533
706) D It has a tendency to form a small nostril.
Wang T. D: Unilateral Cleft Lip repair using a rotation and advancement technique, Atlas of Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology (Bailey & Calhoun, editors), Second Edition, Lippincott & Williams, 2001, pp. 762-763
Capone R. B., Sykes J. M.: Evaluation and Management of Cleft Lip and Palate Disorders, Chapter 76 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Thieme, Third Edition, (Papel, I, editor), 2009, pp. 1059-1078
707) E It will require a mid-columellar nasal incision.
Renner G. J..: Sublabial and septal incision in Atlas of Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology (Bailey & Calhoun, editors), Second Edition, Lippincott & Williams, 2001, pp. 914-915
708) C The central interlabial line between the upper and lower lips forms an M shape.
Fanous N. : Lip rejunvenation by vermillion advancement with volume and surface renovation, Management of the Peri-Oral Complex Area, Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America (Ellis D. A. F., editor), Volume 5, N0 1, February 1997, pp. 71-76
709) E The peeling process for a full-face treatment usually lasts 10 days.
Halaas Y. P.: Medium depth peeling, Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, ((Hamilton M. M, guest editor), Elsevier Saunders, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2004, pp. 297-303
710) C It involves using a closed-loop with aluminum oxide crystals.
Beeson W. H. : Extended Posterior Rhytidectomy in FaceLift, Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, (Beeson, W.H., editor), Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 215-216,1993
Updated: June 15, 2017
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