961)Which of the following auricular congenital malformations is the ONE represented in the drawing below?

A. Cup ear
B. Microtic ear
C. Macrotic ear
D. Cryptotic ear
E. Telephone ear
962) Which of the following will NOT predispose to Nasal Tip Bossa formation secondary to Rhinoplasty?
A. Open approach
B. Asymmetric dome cartilages
C. Presence of sharp edges
D. Wide separation of the domes
E. Weakening the cephalic margin of the lower lateral cartilages
963) Which of the following is CRITICAL to the safety of Blepharoplasty patients with preoperative Dry Eyes?
A. No excision of eyelid skin
B. “Pinch” Technique for excision of skin redundancy
C. Preservation of Orbicularis Muscle and its function
D. Transconjuntival Approach
E. Fat removal through a buttonhole incision in the Orbicularis Muscle
964) Which of the following reconstruction techniques is THE BEST for closing 9 cm. x 12 cm. defect of the scalp with bone exposure?
A. Bilateral Rotation –Advancement flap
B. Triple Rhomboid Flap
C. Skin Grafting after drilling down to the diploic layer of the bone
D. Pectoralis Myocutaneous Flap
E. Orticochea “Banana Peel” flap
965) Which of the following deformities is related to the bilateral disarticulation of upper lateral cartilages?
A. “Rocker” deformity
B. “Step” deformity
C. “Open roof ” deformity
D. “V”-deformity
E. “Inverted V”-deformity
966) Which of the following reconstruction lip techniques is UNLIKELY to produce Microstomia?
A. Primary closure
B. Abbe Flap
C. Estlander Flap
D. Karapandzic Flap
E. Gillies Flap
967) Which of the following facial areas has THE HIGHEST PRIORITY for reconstruction after facial burns?
A. Eyelid
B. Lower lip
C. Upper lip
D. Neck
E. Cheek
968) Which of the following statements about Bilateral Cleft Lip Repair is FALSE?
A. The Prolabium contains muscle.
B. The Prolabial Flap is marked at the midline.
C. The Prolabial “Forked” Flaps are marked laterally .
D. The “Forked” Flaps are incised, elevated and sutured laterally into the floor of the nose.
E. The Orbicularis Oris Muscle should be reoriented and sutured over the Premaxilla.
969) Which of following herbal and supplemental medicines used by cosmetic patients WILL INHIBIT AND PROLONG wound healing?
A. Glucosamine
B. Ginseng
C. Garlic
D. Vitamin E
E. Chondroitin
970) Which of the following eyelid structures IS RELATED to the muscle of Riolan?
A. Tarsus
B. Meibomian Gland
C. Gray Line
D. Orbital Septum
E. Müller’s Muscle
961) A Cup ear
Bardach J.: Surgery for Congenital and Acquired Malformations of the Auricle, Chapter 152, (Cummings, Fredriickson, Harker, Krause, Schuller, editors), Volume 4, Mosby, 1986, pp. 2861-2898
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Becker D. G.: Complications in Rhinoplasty, chapter 49 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Papel, editor), Thieme, Third Edition, pp. 639-648, 2009
963) C Preservation of Orbicularis Muscle and its function
Saadat D., Dresner S. C.: Safety of Blepharoplasty in patients with preoperative Dry Eyes, Arch. Facial Plastic Surgery, March-April . 2004, Vol.6, pp.101-104
964) E Orticochea “Banana Peel” flap
Frodel J. L., Ahlstrom K.: Reconstruction of Complex Scalp Defects, The “Banana Peel” Revisited, Arch. Facial Plastic Surgery, March-April . 2004, Vol.6, pp.54-60
Becker D. G.: Complications in Rhinoplasty, chapter 49 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Papel, editor), Thieme, Third Edition, pp. 639-648, 2009
Cupp C. L., Larrabbe Jr. W.F: Reconstruction of the lips, Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Vol. 4, N0. 1, March, 1993, pp. 46-53
DeFatta R. J., Williams III E. F.: Lip Reconstruction, Chapter 61 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Papel, editor), Thieme, Third Edition, pp. 841-854, 2009
968) A The Prolabium contains muscle.
Skykes J. M. , Tollefson T. T.: Management of the cleft lip deformity, Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2005, pp. 157-167
969) D Vitamin E
Heller J., Gabbay J. S. , Ghadjar K., Jourabchi M. , O’hara C., Heller M., Bradley J. P.: Top-10 List of Herbal and Supplemental Medicines Used by Cosmetic Patients: What the Plastic Surgeon Needs to Know? Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Feb. 2006, Vol. 117, No. 2, pp. 436-445
970) C Gray Line
Burkat C. N. , Lemke B. N.: Anatomy of the Orbit and Its Related Structures, Otolaryngology Clinics of North America, Advances in Oculo-facial Surgery, ((Bosniak S.L., editor) , October 2005, Vol. 38, No. 5, pp.825-856
Updated: July 25, 2017
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