991) With respect to the reconstructive technique used in the repair of Unilateral Cleft Lip as depicted in the drawing below, which of the following measurements is INCORRECT?

B. 1 to 2 + 1 to 3 = 6 mm
C. 2 to 4 = 8 to 10
D. 3 to 5 to X = 8 to 9 to 10
E. 2 to 6 = 8 to 7
992) Which one of the following anatomical structures is NOT related to the Triangular Space in the design of the Scapula Free Flap?
A. Long Head of the Triceps
B. Teres Minor Muscle
C. Teres Major Muscle
D. Serratus Anterior Muscle
E. Circumflex Scapular Artery
993) Which of the following statements about Jejunal Free Flap is TRUE?
A. It is an unreliable flap when used for 360º circumferential pharyngoesophageal defects.
B. The maximum length of Jejunum harvested is 15 cm.
C. The second arcade of Jejunum is the best for Pharyngeal Reconstruction.
D. Isoperistaltic orientation of the Jejunum is unnecessary.
E. External monitoring of the Jejunum is not helpful.
994) Which of the following porous implant “pore” sizes carries the LOWER RISK of infection?
A. 1 μm
B. 20 μm
C. 40 μm
D. 50 μm
E. 60 μm
995) The ratio of cranial vault to facial skeleton (CRANIOFACIAL RATIO) in an infant is:
A. 8:1
B. 6:1
C. 5:1
D. 4:1
E. 2:1
996) Which of the following statements about the anterior scalping flap of Converse is INCORRECT?
A. It is an option for reconstruction of subtotal or total nasal tissue losses.
B. Most of the incision is hidden behind the hairline.
C. The working portion of the flap is raised from the medial portion of the Forehead.
D. It may to be rolled on itself.
E. The defect in the forehead is filled with a Full Thickness Skin Graft (FTSG) from the postauricular Area.
997) Which of the following statements about a Pinched Nasal Tip is INCORRECT?
A. It is usually iatrogenic.
B. It is caused by excesive resection of the Lower Lateral Cartilage
C. It is involved collapse of the Internal Nasal Valve.
D. Autogenous Nasal Septal Cartilage is used for correction.
E. A precise pocket is formed with a Close Rhinoplastic Approach.
998) Which of the following statements in cervicofacial liposuction is FALSE?
A. The patient surgical area is marked while sitting upright
B. 4 mm blunt-tipped suction cannula can be used
C. 2 atm negative pressure is usually applied for suctioning
D. The cannula openings is always directed away from the dermis
E. Puncture skin incisions for liposuction are made in the nasal vestibule, posterior lobular crease, and submental crease.
999) Which of the following mm Hg is recommended in order to INFLATE the thigh tourniquet used in the harvesting of a Free Fibula flap?
A. 50 mm Hg
B. 150 mm Hg
C. 250 mm Hg
D. 350 mm Hg
E. 500 mm Hg
1000) Which implant particle size can NOT be phagocytized by tissue macrophages?
A. 15 μm
B. 25 μm
C. 35 μm
D. 55 μm
E. 65 μm
991) D 3 to 5 to X = 8 to 9 to 10
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992) D Serratus Anterior Muscle
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993) C The second arcade of Jejunum is the best for Pharyngeal Reconstruction.
Chepeha D. B., Teknos T. N.: Microvacular Free Flaps in Head and Neck Reconstruction, Chapter 162 in Head & Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, (Bialey B.J, editor), Third Edition, 2001, pp. 2060-2061
Burkey B.B., Coleman Jr., J. R.: Microvascular Flaps, Chapter 47 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Papel, editor), Thieme, Second Edition, 2002, pp.577-578
Burkey B. B., Schmalbach C. E., Coleman Jr. J. R.: Microvascular Flaps, Chapter 57 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Papel, editor), Thieme, Third Edition, pp. 765-793, 2009
994) E 60 μm
Costantino P. D., Friedman C. D., Soft-Tissue Augmentation and Replacement in the Head and Neck, General Consideration, Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America, Vol. 27, No. 1, February 1994, pp. 1-12
Muntz H. R., Shapiro A.: Pediatric Maxillofacial Trauma, Chapter 34 in Complications in Pediatric Otolaryngology (Josephson G. D., Wohl D. L., editors), Tayoor & Francis, 2005, pp. 553-566
Leach J.: Reconstruction of Nasal Tissue Defects, A Self-Instructional Package, American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation, 1998, pp. 60-75
Kamer F. M.: Revision Rhinoplasty, Chapter 178 in Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, (Bailey, B. J., Johnson J. T., Newlands S.D., editors) , 3rd Edition, pp. 2291-2302, 2001
998) C 2 atm negative pressure is usually applied for suctioning
Kridel R. W.H., Kelly P. E., Castellano R. D.:Liposuction of the Face and Neck: The Art of Facial Sculpture, Chapter 24 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Papel I.D. & Nachlas N. E, editors), Thieme, Third Edition, pp. 286-300, 2009
Chepeha D. B., Teknos T. N.: Microvacular Free Flaps in Head and Neck Reconstruction, Chapter 162 in Head & Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, (Bialey B.J, editor), Third Edition, 2001, pp.2055-2057
1000) E 65 μm
Quatela V. C., Sabini P., Synthetic Implants, Chapter 6 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Papel, editor), Thieme, Second Edition, 2002, pp. 61-72
Costantino P. D., Friedman C. D., Soft-Tissue Augmentation and Replacement in the Head and Neck, General Consideration, Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America, Vol. 27, No. 1, February 1994, pp. 1-12
Updated: August 5, 2017
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