481) Which of the following measurements is the DISTANCE, representated in the drawing below, between the upper lip and the nasomental line? Click the picture to enlarge image

A. 0 mm, tangential to the nasomental line
B. 2 mm posterior to the nasomental line
C. 4 mm posterior to the nasomental line
D. 5 mm posterior to the nasomental line
E. 6 mm posterior to the nasomental line
482) Which of the following techniques is the BEST for reconstruction of a 1.4 cm cutaneous nasal tip defect?
A. Secondary intention
B. Preauricular skin graft
C. Bilobed local flap
D. Nasolabial flap
E. Paramedial forehead flap
483) Which of the following statements regarding nasal reconstruction is TRUE?
A. The lower third of the nose is characterized by thin skin containing a few sebaceous glands.
B. Secondary intention is commonly used to repair small defects of the tip of the nose.
C. Large defects involving the tip and alae are best repaired with a nasolabial flap.
D. The alar subunit can be repaired with a V-Y flap.
E. A small midline defect can be closed primarily leaving a vertical midline scar.
484) Which of the following nomenclatures referencing the terminal ramifications of the facial nerve is INCORRECT?
A. Temporal
B. Ocular
C. Buccal
D. Mandibular
E. Cervical
485) Which of the following is TRUE regarding facial nerve repair and anastomosis?
A. In primary anastomosis the technique used is perineural repair.
B. The most commonly used Crossover Technique is the Accessory/ Facial.
C. Harvesting of the greater auricular nerve can provide 15 cm of useful grafting nerve.
D. The Temporalis Muscle is used when the Masseter Muscle is unavailable for transposition purposes.
E. The Muscle Transposition Technique is used when there is a loss of motor function with a long standing facial paralysis.
486) The SURAL NERVE is located in which of the following areas?
A. Medial to the saphenous vein and medial and posterior to the lateral malleolus of the ankle
B. Medial to the saphenous vein and medial and posterior to the medial malleolus of the ankle
C. Lateral to the saphenous vein and medial and posterior to the lateral malleolus of the ankle
D. Lateral to the saphenous vein and medial and anterior to the lateral malleolus of the ankle
E. Lateral to the saphenous vein and medial and posterior to the medial malleolus of the ankle
487) Prefabricated gold eyelid implants are MOST COMMONLY USED in which size?
A. 0.5 g.
B. 1 g.
C. 1.5 g.
D. 2 g.
E. 2.5 g.
488) The GNATHION is:
A. The superior margin of the forehead
B. The depression at the root of the nose
C. The most prominent anterior projection of the chin
D. The lower border of the soft-tissue contour of the chin
E. The junction of the line tangential to the pogonion and the line tangential to the menton
489) Which of the following is the average INTERCANTHAL DISTANCE?
A. 20 mm
B. 25 mm
C. 35 mm
D. 40 mm
E. 45 mm
490) Which of the following statements about local flaps is FALSE?
A. Local flaps have better donor site matching.
B. Local flaps are accomplished, usually, in a one stage procedure.
C. Local flaps have low donor site morbidity.
D. Local flaps have, usually, an axial pattern blood supply.
E. Local flaps do not have enough bulk for deep facial defects.
481) C 4 mm posterior to the nasomental line
Ridley M. B., VanHook S. M.: Aesthetic Facial Proportions, Chapter 9 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel, editor) Thieme, Second Edition, p. 96-108, 2002
Ridley M. B., VanHook S. M.: Aesthetic Facial Proportions, Chapter 11 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel, editor) Thieme, Third Edition, pp. 119-133, 2009
482) C Bilobed local flap
Burget G. C: Nasal Restoration with Flaps and Grafts, Large Nasal Defects, Chapter 167A, Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, (Bailey, editor), Third Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp. 2122-2123, 2001
Park S. S.: Nasal Restoration with Flaps and Grafts, Chapter 165, Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, (Bailey, editor), 4th Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp. 2421-2451 , 2006
Park S. S.: Local and Regional Cutaneous Flaps, Chapter 54 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel, editor) Thieme, Third Edition, pp. 721-743, 2009
483) E A small midline defect can be closed primarily leaving a vertical midline scar.
Park S. S: Nasal Restoration with Flaps and Grafts, Small Nasal Defects, Chapter 167B, Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, (Bailey, editor), Third Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp. 2142-2149, 2001
Park S. S.: Nasal Restoration with Flaps and Grafts, Chapter 165, Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, (Bailey, editor), 4th Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp. 2421-2451 , 2006
484) B Ocular
Parnes S. M., Batniji R.: Facial Reanimation, Chapter 167, Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, (Bailey, editor), 4th Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp.2467-2480 , 2006
485) E The Muscle Transposition Technique is used when there is a loss of motor function with a long standing facial paralysis.
Parnes S. M.: Facial Reanimation, Chapter 169, Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, (Bailey, editor), Third Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp. 2165-2166, 2001
Parnes S. M., Batniji R.: Facial Reanimation, Chapter 167, Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, (Bailey, editor), 4th Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp.2467-2480 , 2006
486) C Lateral to the saphenous vein and medial and posterior to the lateral malleolus of the ankle
Parnes S. M.: Facial Reanimation, Chapter 169, Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, (Bailey, editor), Third Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp. 2165-2166, 2001
Parnes S. M., Batniji R.: Facial Reanimation, Chapter 167, Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, (Bailey, editor), 4th Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp.2467-2480 , 2006
Parnes S. M.: Facial Reanimation, Chapter 169, Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, (Bailey, editor), Third Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp. 2165-2166, 2001
Parnes S. M., Batniji R.: Facial Reanimation, Chapter 167, Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, (Bailey, editor), 4th Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp.2467-2480 , 2006
488) E The junction of the line tangential to the pogonion and the line tangential to the menton
McGraw-Wall B.: Facial Analysis, Chapter 170, Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, (Bailey, editor), Third Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp. 2181-2183, 2001
Calhoun K. H., Stambaugh K. I.: Facial Analysis and Preoperative Evaluation, Chapter 168, Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, (Bailey, editor), 4th Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp. 2481-2497, 2006
489) C 35 mm
McGraw-Wall B.: Facial Analysis, Chapter 170, Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, (Bailey, editor), Third Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp. 2181-2183, 2001
Calhoun K. H., Stambaugh K. I.: Facial Analysis and Preoperative Evaluation, Chapter 168, Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, (Bailey, editor), 4th Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp. 2481-2497, 2006
490) D Local flaps have, usually, an axial pattern blood supply.
Shumrick K.A., Campbell A.C.: Local Skin Flaps Anatomy, Physiology, and General Types, Chapter 161, Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, (Bailey, editor), Third Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp. 2035-2044, 2001
Shumrick K.A., Chadwell J. B., Campbell A. C.: Local Skin Flaps: Anatomy, Physiology, and General Types, Chapter 161, Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, (Bailey, editor), 4th Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp. 2357-2367, 2006
Updated: June 1, 2017
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