551) The drawing represents a reconstructive repair of an upper eyelid defect. What is the name of the repair technique?

B. Mustardé lid repair
C. Cutler-Beard lid repair
D. Hughes flap repair
E. Butterfly flap repair
552) Which of the following areas responds UNPREDICTABLY to CO2 laser resurfacing and may even become scarred?
A. Periocular
B. Forehead
C. Cheek
D. Nasolabial
E. Neck
553) A patient who attempts to murder his physician MOST LIKELY has which of the following disorders?
A. Antisocial personality disorder
B. Obsessive compulsive disorder
C. Narcissistic personality disorder
D. Paranoid personality disorder
E. Maniac-Depressive disorder
554) Which of the following statements related to Rhinoplasty is FALSE?
A. Osteotomies are usually stable by 6 weeks.
B. In the basal view, the tip lobule represents the upper third and the columella represents the lower two thirds.
C. A dorsal hump is usually comprised of cartilage and bone.
D. Older, thick-skinned patients with a widened interdomal distance are prone to bossae.
E. Saddle Nose Deformity is usually associated with obstruction of the internal valve.
555) Which of the following statements is FALSE about the African American nose?
A. The skin is usually thick.
B. The middle third of the nose is usually short.
C. Narrowing of the wide dorsum is best achieved by osteotomies.
D. Nasal base is usually wider than the intercanthal distance.
E. The nasolabial angle is usually acute.
556) Which of the following vitamins, supplements or medications WILL NOT INTERFERE with blood clotting?
A. St. John’s wort
B. Ginko biloba
C. Naproxen
D. Indomethacin
E. Vitamin B
557) What is the maximum recommended dose (mg/Kg) of lidocaine (with 1:100.000 epinephrine) in the adult?
A. 3
B. 6
C. 9
D. 12
E. 15
558) A 72 year old female is referred to you for a suspected dysplastic nevus of 1 cm with irregular pigmentation and indistinct borders. The BEST biopsy technique in this particular situation is:
A. Incisional biopsy
B. Excisional biopsy
C. Punch biopsy
D. Shave biopsy
E. Curettage
559) Which of the following is the MOST UNFAVORABLE characteristic in facelift candidates?
A. Strong forward chin
B. Deep oral commissure grooves
C. Prominent cheek structures
D. Shallow cheek-lip grooves
E. Minimal photoaging
560) Which of the following statements regarding CO2 laser resurfacing is FALSE?
A. It is contraindicated in patients with scleroderma.
B. EMLA cream applied to the facial area treated is sufficient to achieve adequate anesthesia.
C. Infraocular and crow’s feet wrinkles are most responsive to this technique.
D. Visualization of the endpoint maximizes optimum result.
E. Resurfacing should be kept above the skin appendages.
551) B Mustardé lid repair
Sykes J. M., Dugan Jr.M.F.: Evaluation and Management of Eyelid trauma, Thieme Medical Publishers, pp. 157-171, 1994
Iliff W. J., Pacheco E. M.: Flaps, Grafts, and Alloplastic Materials in Lid Reconstruction and Repair, Chapter 88 in Duane's Ophthalmology, CD-ROM, 2006 edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
552) E Neck
Weinstein C..: Carbon Dioxide Laser Resurfacing, Long-Term Follow-up in 2123 patients in Clinics of Plastic Surgery, Skin Resurfacing, (editor, Baker T. J), Saunders, Baker T. Vo. 25, No. 1, p. 119, 1998
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553) D Paranoid personality disorder
Powell D., Hobgood T.: Detection and management of the unstable patient in Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Aesthetic Analysis, ( Tardy Jr. M. E, editor), Saunders, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 307-318, 2003
Becker D. G.: Complications of Rhinoplasty, Chapter 39 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Thieme Medical Publishers, second edition (Ira Papel, editor) p. 453, 2002
555) C Narrowing of the wide dorsum is best achieved by osteotomies.
Porter J. P.: Non-Caucasian rhinoplasty: preoperative analysis in Aesthetic Analysis, Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic of North America, (Tardy Jr. M. E., editor), Saunders, Vol. 11, No. 3, , pp. 327-333, 2003
556) E Vitamin B
Cheng E. T., Perkins S. W.: Rhytidectomy analysis: twenty years of experience in Aesthetic Analysis, Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic of North America, (Tardy Jr. M. E., editor), Saunders, Vol. 11, No. 3, , pp. 359-375, 2003
557) B 6
Ehlert T.K., Arnold D.E.: Local anesthesia for soft tissue surgery, Facial Plastic Surgery, Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 831-844, 1990
Fletcher M. V.: Anesthesia in Facial Plastic Surgery, Chapter 17 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Thieme Medical Publishers, Third edition (Ira Papel, editor), 2009, pp. 189-197
558) B Excisional biopsy
Smith A. A., Cole A. B., Fosko S. W.: Melanoma from the dermatologist’s perspective in Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America Dermatology for the Facial Plastic Surgeon (Hruza, G.J., editor), Saunders, Vol. 11, No. 2, p. 281, 2003
559) B Deep oral commissure grooves
Cheng E. T., Perkins S. W.: Rhytidectomy analysis: twenty years of experience in Aesthetic Analysis, Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic of North America, (Tardy Jr. M. E., editor), Saunders, Vol. 11, No. 3, , pp. 359-375, 2003
560) B EMLA cream applied to the facial area treated is sufficient to achieve adequate anesthesia.
Weinstein C., Roberts T. L.: Aesthetic Skin Resurfacing with the High-Energy Ultrapulsed CO2 Laser, in Clinics in Plastic Surgery, Facial Aesthetic Surgery, (Menick F.J. , editor), Saunders, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 379-405, 1997
Updated: June 1, 2017
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