231) Which of the following local flaps is THE ONE represented in the drawing below?

B. O-T flap
C. O-Z flap
D. V-Y flap
E. Bilateral double M-plasty
232) Which of the following is of LEAST importance in preoperative evaluation for phenol peeling?
A. Cardiac status
B. Hepatic status
C. Respiratory status
D. Renal status
E. Previous isotretinoin history
233) Several hours after a four-quadrant blepharoplasty (Subciliary approach) you are called by the patient’s husband and he explains to you that his wife has a severe pain in the left eye of 1-2 hours duration. What is the NEXT STEP in the management of this patient?
A. See the patient immediately
B. Refer the patient to the emergency room
C. See the patient next day
D. Advise analgesic medication and call again if no improvement
E. Analgesics and antiviral medications
234) Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding chemical peeling in conjunction with rhytidectomy?
A. The combination of chemical peeling and deep-plane rhytidectomy is safe.
B. Trichloroacetic acid is the preferred chemical peeling agent for use in combination with rhytidectomy.
C. In areas that have not been undermined, chemical peeling can be done in conjunction with rhytidectomy.
D. Chemical peeling after rhytidectomy with a long skin flap can be done simultaneously using a superficial peeling agent.
E. Chemical peeling after rhytidectomy should be postponed for 6 months.
235) Which is the BEST SLR camara lens for facial documentation photography?
A. 35 mm focal length
B. 50 mm focal length
C. 105 mm focal length
D. 135 mm focal length
E. 150 mm focal length
236) Which of the following statements about rhinoplasty is TRUE?
A. The best visualization of the tip structures is accomplished by the bipedicle approach.
B. The nasal skin is thicker at the middorsum.
C. The nasal skin is thinnest superiorly and inferiorly.
D. The medial osteotomy is performed before the lateral osteotomy.
E. The lateral osteotomy is performed at the floor of the piriform aperture.
237) Which of the following statements about the external rhinoplasty approach is TRUE?
A. The external rhinoplasty approach divides only one major support mechanism of the nose.
B. A bilateral rim incision produce a well camouflaged scar.
C. There is no contraindication to use a shield tip graft.
D. The external rhinoplasty approach divides the minor support mechanism of the nasal skin attachment.
E. Dissection below the musculoaponeurotic layer of the nose will damage part of the major nasal vasculature irrigating the nasal tip.
238) Which of the following statements about revision rhinoplasty is TRUE?
A. Bossa is a knoblike deformity of the upper and lower lateral cartilages.
B. Alar retraction is produced by excessive resection of cartilage and vestibular skin.
C. Pinching of the nose occurres most often during the delivery approach.
D. Polly-beak deformity is an excessive fullness of the midportion of the nose.
E. Midnasal deformities are most often due to a congenital causes.
239) Which of the following statements about rhytidectomy is TRUE?
A. Rhytidectomy mainly corrects creases and wrinkles of the lower part of the face.
B. In men the posttragal incision is preferable.
C. In women the pretragal incision is preferred.
D. A well executed standard rhytidectomy will correct nasolabial folds.
E. A strong jawline and cheekbones and a high posterior hyoid bone are the ideal.
240) Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding complications in rhinoplasty?
A. Open-roof deformity is due to an inadequate lateral osteotomy.
B. Excessive cephalic resection of the lateral crus of the lower lateral cartilage is usually the cause of alar retraction.
C. The columellar incision in the external rhinoplasty should be beveled to avoid trapdoor deformity.
D. The nasal spreader grafts can be use for the treatment of internal nasal valve collapse.
E. Osteotomies done too high reaching the frontal bone can cause the rocker deformity.
231) C O-Z flap
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232) C Respiratory status
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234) D Chemical peeling after rhytidectomy with a long skin flap can be done simultaneously using a superficial peeling agent.
Alford E. L., Porter J. P.: Chemical Peel Chapter 32, Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, (Cummings, Fredrickson, Harker, Krause, Richardson, Schuller, editors), Mosby, Third Edition, Volume one, pp. 646, 1998
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236) D The medial osteotomy is performed before the lateral osteotomy.
Calhoun K. H.: Introduction to Rhinoplasty, 174 in Head and Neck Surgery – Otolaryngology, (Bailey), Volume II, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Third Edition, p. 2240, 2001
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237) D The external rhinoplasty approach divides the minor support mechanism of the nasal skin attachment.
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238) B Alar retraction is produced by excessive resection of cartilage and vestibular skin.
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239) E A strong jawline and cheekbones and a high posterior hyoid bone are the ideal.
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Becker D.G.: Complications in Rhinoplasty, Chapter 49 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Thieme Medical Publishers, Third edition (Ira Papel, editor) pp. 639-648, 2009
Updated: May 1, 2017
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