381) Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the Palatoplasty Technique represented in the drawing below? Click the picture to enlarge image.

A. A single mucoperiosteal flap is elevated for each palatal shelf.
B. The neurovascular bundle coming from the greater palatine foramen is identified.
C. Medial mobility of the soft palate is enhanced by dissecting the posterior extension of the relaxing incision in the plane of the pterygoid and superior constrictor muscles.
D. In patients with wider clefts it is necessary to infracture the hamulus process.
E. The incidence of fistulization at the hard-soft palate junction is high.
382) Which of the following is the MOST important factor in DECREASING the incidence of nasal alar retraction during rhinoplasty?
A. The incidence of alar retraction will decrease by using a nondelivery approach and transcartilaginous incisions during surgery.
B. The incidence of alar retraction will decrease by avoiding trauma to the caudal septal area during surgery.
C. The incidence of alar retraction will decrease by gentle care of the lower lateral cartilage and soft-tissue envelope during surgery.
D. The incidence of alar retraction will decrease by conservative resection of the alar cartilage during surgery.
E. Alar retraction will decrease by avoiding severe external nasal trauma during surgery.
383) Which of the following statements regarding “pinching” of the nose is TRUE?
A. Pinching is due to over-excision of the lower lateral cartilages.
B. Pinching is due to over-excision of the upper lateral cartilages.
C. Pinching is increased with open rhinoplasty.
D. Pinching is increased with exposure and delivery of the lower lateral cartilages.
E. Pinching is increased with nasal flaring reduction.
384) Which of the following statements regarding the Two-Triangular Flap technique for the surgical repair of a complete unilateral cleft lip is FALSE?
A. The lengthening is calculated by measuring the difference in distance between the base of the columella and the high point of the Cupid’s bow on the noncleft side compared with the cleft side
B. If the dimension of the designed flap has 6 mm or more, two triangular flaps instead of one are recommended.
C. Two-triangular flaps are created on the medial aspect of the cleft side of the lip in its lower and upper portion.
D. With respect to these Two-Triangular flaps, the lower is greater than the upper.
E. The advantage of two-triangular Flap technique is that it minimizes the violation of the philtral column and distributes evenly the tension on the lip.
385) Which of the following statements regarding the use of irradiated homograft costal cartilage in Revision Rhinoplasty is TRUE?
A. Irradiated homograft costal cartilage is a poor material alternative for Revision Rhinoplasty.
B. Before using the implant it must be soaked in gentamicin sulfate solution.
C. The use of this material implies a very high rate of infection.
D. The use of this material implies a very high rate of extrusion.
E. The resorption of the irradiated rib cartilage is insignificant.
386) Which of the following antibiotic ointments is NOT RECOMMENDED for an eyelid incision?
A. Bacitracin
B. Neomycin
C. Erytromycin
D. Polysporin (polymixin B-bacitracin)
E. Bactroban (mupirocin)
387) Which of the following surgical options is MOST effective in the treatment of congenital webbing of the neck?
A. Excision
B. Serial excision
C. W-plasty excision
D. Geometric broken-line plasty excision
E. Multiple Z-plasties
388) In which of the following anatomical areas is silk the RECOMMENDED material for wound closure?
A. Margin of the helix
B. Margin of the eyelid
C. Margin of the brow
D. Margin of the tragus
E. Tip of the nose
389) Which of the following suture materials will induce the MOST inflammatory tissue reaction?
A. Nylon
B. Vicryl
C. Dexon
D. Prolene
E. Chromic catgut
390) Which of the following margins of resection is RECOMMENDED for a melanoma of the cheek with a thickness of 3 mm?
A. 0.5 cm
B. 1 cm
C. 2 cm
D. 3 cm
E. 4 cm
381) E The incidence of fistulization at the hard-soft palate junction is high.
Seibert R. W.: Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate in Current Therapy in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery-4 (Gates, editor), B.C. Decker Inc. 1990, pp. 320-322
382) D The incidence of alar retraction will decrease by conservative resection of the alar cartilage during surgery.
Becker D. G.: Complications of Rhinoplasty, Chapter 39 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Papel, editor), Thieme, Second Edition, p. 454, 2002
Becker D. G., Becker S. S.: Reducing Complications in Rhinoplasty, Otolaryngology Clinics of North America, 2006; 39: 473-492
383) A Pinching is due to over-excision of the lower lateral cartilages.
384) D With respect to these Two-Triangular flaps, the lower is greater than the upper.
Bardach J., Salyer K. E.: Surgical Techniques in Cleft Lip and Palate, Mosby, Second Edition, 1991, pp. 50-52
385) B Before using the implant it must be soaked in gentamicin sulfate solution.
Kridel R.W.H., Kraus W.M.: Grafts and Implants in Revision Rhinoplasty, Revision Rhinoplasty, Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1995, pp.480-482
386) B Neomycin
Quatela V. C., Ries W. R.: Aesthetic Facial Surgery, Chapter 24, Complications in Head and Neck Surgery, (Krespi and Ossoff, editors), Saunders, 1993, p. 399
388) B Margin of the eyelid
Holt G. R.: Esthetic primary wound treatment to improve scars, Chapter 6 in Facial Scars, Incision, Revision and Camouflate (Thomas and Holt, editors) Mosby, 1989, p. 67
389) E Chromic catgut
Thomas J. R.: Wound closure materials, Chapter 7 in Facial Scars, Incision, Revision and Camouflage (Thomas and Holt, editors) Mosby, 1989, p. 69
390) C 2 cm.
Hendrix J. D., Slingluff C. L.: Cutaneous Malignancies: Diagnosis and Treatment, Chapter 42 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Ira Papel, editor), Thieme Medical Publishers, second edition, 2002, pp.493-500
Myers J.N., Nemechek A. J.: Malignant Melanoma, Chapter 104 in Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, (Bailey, B.J., editor), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Third Edition, 2001, pp. 1241-1244
Updated: June 1, 2017
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