121) Which of the following areas in a congenital bilateral complete cleft lip represents the PROLABIUM? Click the picture to enlarge image.

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
122) Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the Tricophytic Approach to brow and forehead elevation?
A. There is increased risk of brow malposition.
B. There is limited access to the corrugator musculature.
C. There is limited access to the procerus musculature.
D. It is indicated in patients who have a high frontal hairline.
E. The incision should be beveled with a curvilinear regular line pattern.
123) Which of the following statements related to lower eyelid blepharoplasty is TRUE?
A. Hematoma is the most common complication.
B. Eyelid malposition is the least common complication.
C. Failure to remove enough fat occurs most commonly in the lateral pocket.
D. The ocular muscle most commonly injured is the inferior rectus.
E. Blindness has been reported with an incidence of 0.1%.
124) A 57 year old man has asymmetric brow ptosis, deep static forehead rhytids and a high frontal hairline. Which of the following surgical managements is the MOST appropriate in this case?
A. Mid-Forehead Rhytidectomy
B. Mid-Forehead Browplasty
C. Prethichial Forehead Lift
D. Coronal Forehead Lift
E. Endoscopic Forehead Lift
125) Which of the following areas of the auricle will be anesthetized by the injection of local anesthesia into the LESSER OCCIPITAL NERVE?
A. Posterior surface of the auricle
B. Inferior auricle and skin over the mastoid
C. Anterior limb of the helix and tragus
D. Superior half of the auricle
E. Inferior half of the auricle
126) Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding wound healing?
A. The phases of the wound healing are: hemostasis, proliferation and maturation.
B. Wound healing is better in a cool, dry and sterile environment.
C. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes are the most important component in the maturation phase.
D. Fibroblasts appear in the wound on day 7.
E. In the maturation phase collagen type III is replaced by type I collagen.
127) Which of the following statements regarding the Temporo-Parietal-Occipital (TPO) Flap is FALSE?
A. The TPO flap’s blood supply is based on the superficial temporal artery.
B. The TPO flap requires two delay procedures.
C. The TPO flap is 25 cm long.
D. The TPO flap is 4 cm wide.
E. The TPO flap is used for the treatment of frontal male-pattern alopecia.
128) Which of the following statements regarding hair transplantation is TRUE?
A. The hairline design should be low and wide, rather than high and narrow
B. Patients with ages between 20 to 25 are better candidates that those with ages between 50 to 55
C. The patient’s hair color is the most critical parameter to assess before hair transplantation
D. Micrografts are usually used at the crown.
E. Minigrafts are usually used at the vertex.
129) Which of the following statements regarding CO2 laser facial resurfacing is TRUE?
A. Neck skin is well suited for CO2 laser resurfacing.
B. Deep “ice-pick” acne responds very well to CO2 laser resurfacing.
C. The initial layer of desiccated white debris has to be left in place.
D. The reticular dermis level is recognized by its “yellow chamois cloth” appearance.
E. The CO2 laser settings and passes remain the same for the entire face.
130) Which of the following statements regarding Endoscopic Forehead Lift is FALSE?
A. There is usually less bleeding and a faster recovery period.
B. Subgaleal plane dissection is most commonly used.
C. Three small vertical incisions of 2 cm each just behind the hairline are commonly used.
D. Is indicated in patients with asymmetric brow ptosis, horizontal and vertical forehead and glabellar rhytids.
E. There is no scalp excision but there is fixation with screws or sutures.
121) C C
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123) C Failure to remove enough fat occurs most commonly in the lateral pocket.
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125) A Posterior surface of the auricle
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126) E In the maturation phase collagen type III is replaced by type I collagen..
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129) D The reticular dermis level is recognized by its “yellow chamois cloth” appearance.
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130) B Subgaleal plane dissection is most commonly used.
Graham III H.D., Endoscopic Rhytidectomy, Chapter 36 in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (Cummings, Fredrickson, Harker, Krause, Richardson, Schuller, editors), Volume Two, Mosby, Third Edition, 1998, pp. 699-708
Updated: May 1, 2017
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