191) Which of the following surgical techniques is the BEST to correct an irregular right Cupid’s bow (discrepancy between the level of the vermilion-cutaneous junction of 2 mm on the right side) shown in the drawing?

B. V-Y closure
C. Z-Plasty
D. Bilobed flap
E. Dermabrasion
192) A middle age attractive female, has a normal frontal hairline, minimal forehead wrinkles and an asymmetrical moderate brow ptosis with minimal upper eyelid skin excess. Which of the following surgical techniques is the BEST for this particular patient?
A. Endoscopic forehead-brow Lift
B. Coronal forehead-brow Lift
C. Trichophytic forehead-brow Lift
D. Direct brow Lift
E. Midforehead Lift
193) A 10-year-old boy has a linear vertical forehead scar extending from the hairline to the left eyebrow after facial trauma which occurred 1 year ago. The BEST cosmetic scar revision technique in this case is:
A. Serial Excision
B. Multiple Z-Plasty
C. Single W-Plasty
D. Running W-Plasty
E. Geometric Broken-line technique
194) Which of the following complications is NOT commonly seen in cosmetic blepharoplasty?
A. Lower lid malposition
B. Scleral show
C. Change in shape of the medial canthal region
D. Lateral canthal dystopia
E. Postoperative epiphora
195) Which of the following quantitative measures represents a MINIMAL NORMAL Schirmer's test value??
A. 4 mm
B. 6 mm
C. 8 mm
D. 10 mm
E. 14 mm
196) Which of the following statements defines the “FURNAS” technique for correcting the Protruding Ear?
A. Permanent sutures through the conchal cartilage to the mastoid periosteum
B. Permanent mattress sutures placed along the cartilage and anterior perichondrium through a posterior incision
C. Reshaping or splitting the auricular cartilage to weaken its resistance which will allow the creation of the proper configuration
D. Combination of sculpting and suturing techniques to create the proper shape configuration
E. Shaping the protruding ear using molding splints
197) Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the Delivery Approach in Rhinoplasty?
A. Combines inter-cartilaginous and marginal incisions to create bilateral chondrocutaneous flaps
B. Good visualization of entire lower lateral cartilages
C. Good access to the tip and nasal dome
D. Minimal disturbance of the nasal tissues
E. Involves the separation of a major tip support of the nose and disruption of the upper and lower lateral cartilages
198) Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the different Skin Line Types?
A. Relaxed Skin Tension Lines (RSTL) usually run perpendicular to the wrinkles.
B. Relaxed Skin Tension Lines (RSTL) usually run parallel to the contraction of muscles.
C. Langer’s Lines are relaxation creases found in the skin of cadavers.
D. Langer’s Lines are ideal for planning elective incisions.
E. Facial Langer’s Lines coincide with the facial wrinkle lines.
199) Which of the following operative maneuvers will DECREASE PROJECTION?
A. Cephalic resection
B. Plumping grafts
C. Columellar strut
D. Lateral crura steal
E. Full-transfixion incision
200) Which of the following statements regarding the M-Plasty is FALSE?
A. It is commonly used at the ends of the a fusiform excision.
B. It is commonly used to shorten the final length of the wound.
C. The limbs of an M-Plasty should be less than 30 degrees.
D. The closure of an M-Plasty represents a V-to-Y closure.
E. It is commonly used to camouflage a scar.
191) C Z-Plasty
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192) A Endoscopic forehead-brow Lift
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194) C Change in shape of the medial canthal region
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195) D 10 mm
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196) A Permanent sutures through the conchal cartilage to the mastoid periosteum
Nachlas N.E.: Otoplasty, Chapter 27, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Thieme Medical Publishers, second edition (Ira Papel, editor) pp. 311-315, 2002
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199) E Full-transfixion incision
Becker D.G.: Complications of Rhinoplasty, Chapter 39 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Thieme Medical Publishers, second edition (Ira Papel, editor) p. 453, 2002
Becker D.G.: Complications of Rhinoplasty, Chapter 49 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Thieme Medical Publishers, Third edition (Ira Papel, editor) p. 641, 2009
200) E It is commonly used to camouflage a scar.
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Cook T.A., Guida R.A., Burke A.J.C.: Soft Tissue Techniques, Chapter 3 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Thieme Medical Publishers, Third edition (Ira Papel, editor) pp. 30-31, 2009
Updated: May 1, 2017
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