21) Which of the following surgical techniques used for cleft palate repair is REPRESENTED in the drawing below? Click the picture to enlarge image.

B. Three-Flap Palatoplasty
C. Two-Flap Palatoplasty
D. Furlow’s Palatoplasty
E. Four-Flap Palatoplasty
22) Which of the following scars is MOST likely to be well camouflaged?
A. 4 cm linear scar running perpendicular to the RSTL (relaxed skin tension lines)
B. 4 cm linear scar elevated and parallel to the RSTL
C. 4 cm linear scar depressed and parallel to the RSTL
D. 4 cm linear scar parallel to the RSTL without depression or elevation
E. 4 cm linear scar perpendicular to the lower eyelid edge
23) A 10-year-old boy has a linear vertical forehead scar extending from the hairline to the left eyebrow after facial trauma which occurred 1 year ago. Which is the MOST useful scar revision technique in this case?
A. Running W-plasty
B. Single W-plasty
C. Multiple Z-plasty
D. Single excision
E. Serial excision
24) Which is the following surgical techniques is BEST for reconstruction of a full-thickness defect involving 40% of the upper lip reaching the oral commisure?
A. Abbé flap
B. Estlander flap
C. Primary closure
D. Rhomboid flap
E. Nasolabial flap
A. Minimal tissue is discarded.
B. The suture line is not well camouflaged.
C. The alar base and nasal floor are difficult to reconstruct due to poor access to the nose.
D. The procedure will not allow alterations or adjustments during the operation.
E. Contraction of the vertical scar and/or notching of the vermilion is seldom encountered.
A. Hematoma
B. Infection
C. Wound dehiscence
D. Granuloma formation
E. Keloid formation
27) The satyr's ear (devil's ear) deformity is BEST treated with:
A. V-Y plasty
B. Z-Plasty
C. Interval intralesional injection with steroids
D. Excision and primary closure
E. Transposition flap
28) A-50-year-old female underwent rhytidectomy and blepharoplasty procedures with local anesthesia and I.V. sedation. The next day postop, less than 24 hours after the surgical procedure, the patient have noted to have a right-sided paralysis of the temporal branch of the facial nerve. The BEST immediate treatment is:
A. Immediate exploration and direct anastomosis without microscope assistance
B. Immediate reexploration and direct anastomosis with microscopic assistance
C. Corticosteroids
D. Corticosteroids and antiviral medications
E. Reassurance
29) The Z-Plasty INVOLVES:
A. An advancement flap
B. A rotation flap
C. A transposition flap
D. An interpolation flap
E. An interpolation and rotation flap
30) The MOST common complication of TRANSCONJUNTIVAL lower blepharoplasty is:
A. Inadequate fat excision
B. Excessive fat excision
C. Inferior oblique muscle injury
D. Eyelid malposition
E. Bleeding
21) D Furlow’s Palatoplasty
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23) A Running W-plasty
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24) B Estlander flap
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27) A V-Y plasty
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29) C A transposition flap
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30) A Inadequate fat excision
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Updated: April 26, 2017
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