31) After intervention, which of the following scars in the one with the HIGHEST possibility of a POOR cosmetic result?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
32) The MOST useful palatoplasty technique for repair of complete unilateral cleft palate deformity is:
A. Furlow’s technique
B. Von Langenbeck palatoplasty technique
C. Three-Flap palatoplasty technique
D. Two-Flap palatoplasty technique
E. Two-Flap palatoplasty technique with associated vomerian flaps
33) The MOST adequate timing for alveolar bone grafting in cleft deformities is:
A. 3 months of age, associated with lip repair
B. 1 year of age, associated with palate repair
C. 3 years of age
D. 10 years of age
E. 18 years of age
34) Which of the following statements BEST describes the Millard lip repair?
A. The medial segment is rotated superiorly and the lateral segment is advanced medially.
B. The medial segment is rotated inferiorly and the lateral segment is advanced medially.
C. The medial segment is advanced laterally and the lateral segment is rotated inferiorly.
D. The medial segment is advanced laterally and the lateral segment is rotated superiorly.
E. The medial and the lateral segments have a rotation and advancement component.
35) Which of the following statements about the triangular flap technique to repair a unilateral cleft lip is TRUE?
A. Minimal tissue is discarded.
B. The suture line is well camouflaged.
C. Exact measurements are difficult to obtain and results are not consistently reproducible.
D. The procedure will allow alterations or adjustments during the operation after the triangular flap has been executed.
E. It is a consistent clef lip repair technique for decreasing vertical lip contraction
36) Which of the following wound adhesives is the one APPROVED by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for closure of the skin?
A. Butyl-2-cyanoacrylate
B. Octyl-2-cyanoacrylate
C. Ethyl-2-cyanoacrylate
D. Butyl-8-cyanoacrylate
E. Octyl-8-cyanoacrylate
37) Which of the following statements is TRUE about brow position?
A. The medial end of the brow is located along a vertical line drawn through the ala of the nose.
B. In men, the brow should be well above the orbital rim.
C. The lateral end of the eyebrow is located 2 mm above an horizontal line passing through the medial end of the eyebrow.
D. In women the brow is more horizontal and is positioned more inferiorly than the male eyebrow.
E. The maximum height of the brow should be at the medial limbus
38) Which of the following is an absolute CONTRAINDICATION to facial chemical peeling?
A. History of herpes infection
B. Fitzpatrick Type IV
C. Fitzpatrick Type VI
D. Telangiectases
E. Recent isotretinoin treatment
39) Which of the following statements is FALSE about blepharoptosis?
A. It involves a thin upper eyelid.
B. It involves a high upper eyelid fold.
C. The levator function is normal.
D. It involves a low upper eyelid fold.
E. Involutional ptosis is the most common etiology.
40) The BEST candidates for chemoexfoliation rejuvenation technique are:
A. Oriental males and females.
B. African American females.
C. Males in general.
D. Males with oily skin.
E. Females with fair skin.
31) C C
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32) D Two-Flap palatoplasty technique
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33) D 10 years of age
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34) B The medial segment is rotated inferiorly and the lateral segment is advanced medially.
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37) A The medial end of the brow is located along a vertical line drawn through the ala of the nose.
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39) D It involves a low upper eyelid fold.
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Updated: April 30, 2017
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