741) The Male Pattern Baldness represented in the picture below belongs to which of the following classifications?

B. Nordwood Class III
C. Nordwood Class IV
D. Nordwood Class V
E. Nordwood Class VI
742) Which of the following muscles is MOST COMMONLY used in Facial Reanimation?
A. Gracilis
B. Serratus anterior
C. Pectoralis minor
D. Extensor digitorum brevis
E. Rectus abdominis
743) Which of the following statements is TRUE about the External Nasal Valve Dysfunction?
A. The most common etiology of External Nasal Valve Dysfuntion is aging.
B. The incidence of External Nasal Valve Collapse will be minimized by preserving the Upper Lateral Cartilage.
C. The diagnosis of dysfunction can be made by stabilizing the Alar Rim to see if nasal airflow improves.
D. The diagnosis of dysfunction can be made by the Cottle Maneuver.
E. Dorsal Colllapse noted by an Inverted V Deformity is typical of this type of dysfunction.
744) Which of the following statements about "Spreader Grafts" used in Rhinoplasty is FALSE?
A. Spreader Grafts should span from the caudal border of the nasal bone to the Anterior Septal Angle.
B. Nasal Septal Cartilage is the ideal Spreader Graft material.
C. Conchal cartilage is not used as Spreader Graft material due to the intrinsic bowing.
D. Horizontal mattress sutures are the ideal sutures for use with Spreader Grafts.
E. The purpose of Spreader Grafting is to displace the Upper Lateral Cartilage laterally.
745) After Facial Nerve birth trauma what is the percentage of complete return of Facial Nerve Function?
A. 10%
B. 30%
C. 50%
D. 70%
E. 90%
746) Which of the following statements is TRUE about adequate margins of wide excision in Merkel Cell Carcinoma?
A. They are undefined.
B. They are assisted with frozen sections.
C. They are assisted with Mohs surgery.
D. An adequate margin is 3 cm.
E. An adequate margin is 5 cm.
747) Which of the following statements about Bipolar Radiofrequency Resurfacing is FALSE?
A. Its resurfacing power is based on a process called coblation.
B. The mechanism of resurfacing is basically the same as that used in Resurfacing Lasers.
C. A flow of isotonic saline solution covering the tissue treated is mandatory at all times.
D. The first pass can separate of the Epidermal-Dermal Junction.
E. The second pass extends into the papillary dermis.
748) Which of the following statements about microdermabrasion is TRUE?
A. The purpose of Microdermabrasion is to remove the papillary dermis.
B. Microdermabrasion is comparable to medium peels.
C. Microdermabrasion is safe for use on the neck.
D. Microdermabrasion should produce a mild fine bleeding.
E. Microdermabrasion is safe only in Fitzpatrick Skin Types I-III.
749) Which of the following types of Calvarial Bone Gafts is MOST USEFUL in the treatment of Cranioplasty/Craniosynostosis?
A. Bone dust
B. Bone chips
C. Bone strips
D. Partial thickness
E. Full thickness
750) Which of the following statements about the characteristic of normal perioral findings in young individuals is TRUE?
A. The upper lips are 10-15 mm in height at the midline.
B. The interface of the upper and lower lips forms a W.
C. The lower lip should be more anterior than the upper lip on profile view..
D. Both lips should protrude beyond a vertical line drawn from the subnasale to the pogonium.
E. The upper and lower lips meet in the midline.
741) C Nordwood Class IV
Mayer T. G., Fleming R. W.: Management of Alopecia and Reconstructive Scalp Surgery, Chapter 28, in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, (Cummings, Fredrickson, Harker, Krause, Schuller, editors), Second Edition, Vol. 1, 1993, pp. 480-531
Norwood OT, Shiell R.C.: Hair Transplant Surgery, 2nd. Ed. , Springfield, IL., Charles C. Thomas, 1984
742) A Gracilis
Fong B. Shindo M.: Dynamic Facial Reanimation using Free-Tissue Transfer, Rehabilitation of Facial Paralysis, Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of Noth America, (Perkins, S. W., editor), Vol. 5, No. 3, August 1997, pp. 247-255
743) C The diagnosis of dysfunction can be made by stabilizing the Alar Rim to see if nasal airflow improves.
Chand M. S., Toriumi D. M.: Treatment of the External Nasal Valve, Functional Reconstructive Rhinoplasty, (Murakami C. S., editor), Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Vol. 7, No. 3, August 1999, pp. 347-355
744) C Conchal cartilage is not used as Spreader Graft material due to the intrinsic bowing.
Park S. S: Treatment of the Internal Nasal Valve,Functional Reconstructive Rhinoplasty, (Murakami C. S., editor), Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Vol. 7, No. 3, August 1999, pp. 333-345
745) E 90%
Clark J. M., Shockley W. W. : Management and Reanimation of the Paralyzed Face, Chapter 53, Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, (Bailey B.J., editor), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Third Edition, Volume Two, 2001, pp. 660-685
Clark J. M., Shockley W. W. : Management of the Paralyzed Face, Chapter 63 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel I. D., Editor), Third Edition, Thieme, 2009, pp. 869-895
746) A They are undefined.
Hendrix J. D., Slingluff C. L. : Diagnosis and Treatment of Cutaneous Malignancies, Chapter 52 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel I. D., Editor), Third Edition, Thieme, 2009, pp. 675-702
747) B The mechanism of resurfacing is basically the same as that used in Resurfacing Lasers.
Carniol P. J., Maas C.S.: Bipolar Radiofrequency Resurfacing, Minimally Invasive Surgery, (Koch R. J., editor), Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Vol. 9, No. 3, August 2001, pp.337-342
748) C Microdermabrasion is safe for use on the neck.
Koch R. J., Hamasono M. M.: Microdermabrasion, Minimally Invasive Surgery, (Koch R. J., editor), Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Vol. 9, No. 3, August 2001, pp.377-382
749) E Full thickness
Day T. A., Vuillemin, Laedrach K., Raveh J., Stucker F. J.: Calvarial Bone Grafting in Craniofacial Reconstruction, New Techniques in Facial Reconstruction, (Stucker F. J, , editor), Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Vol. 3, No. 3, August 1995, pp.241-255
750) D Both lips should protrude beyond a vertical line drawn from the subnasale to the pogonium.
Cheng J. T., Perkins S. W., Hamilton M. M.: Perioral Rejuvenation, Rejuvenation of the Lower Face and Neck, (Waldman S. R., editor), Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Vol. 8, No. 2, May 2000, pp.223-233
Updated: June 15, 2017
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