841) A 7 year old child suffered a round traumatic skin avulsion which is localized at the tip of the nose (see drawing below).Which of the following reconstructive technique is the IDEAL in this particular case?

B. Post-auricular Full Thickness Skin Graft
C. Pre-auricular Split Thickness Skin Graft
D. Bilobe Flap
E. Romboid Flap
842) Which of the following anatomic statements about the anatomy of the eyelid is TRUE?
A. The Müller Muscle is innervated by the Third Cranial Nerve.
B. The Capsulopalpebral Fascia is a primary retractor of the Lower Eyelid.
C. The Levator Palpebrae Superioris is innervated by the Sympathetic Nervous System.
D. The arterial supply to the eyelid comes totally from branches of the External Carotid Artery.
E. The Inferior Oblique Muscle separates the Central and Lateral Fat Compartments of the Lower Eyelid.
843) Which of the following statements about Osteocutaneous Flaps is TRUE?
A. Fibular Flaps allow a maximal 20 cm. bone length availability.
B. Fibular Flaps require that an 10 cm segment of fibular bone be left superiorly and inferiorly.
C. Scapular Flaps allow a maximal 10 cm. bone length availability.
D. Iliac Crest Flaps allow a maximal 10 cm. bone length availability.
E. Radial Forearm Flaps allow a maximal 7 cm. bone length availability.
844) Which of the following statements about Microvascular Reconstruction is FALSE?
A. Vessels in the Vascular Pedicle are skeletonized, freeing the artery from the vein.
B. Vessels are transected and irrigated intermittently with dilute heparinized saline solution.
C. Vessels should be handled by the intima.
D. End-to-End Technique is the most commonly used is arterial anastomosis.
E. Anastomosis involves the use of Monofilament Suture (9-0, nylon).
845) Post Microvascular Arterial Anastomosis, when does failure MOST commonly occur?
A. 6 hours
B. 24 hours
C. 36 hours
D. 48 hours
E. 72 hours
846) Which of the following statements about the Radial Forearm Free Flap is FALSE?
A. It is a fascial flap.
B. It is a fasciocutaneous flap.
C. It can be harvested with a bone.
D. It can be harvested without a bone.
E. It does not carry sensory innervation.
847) Which of the following statements about the Radial Forearm Free Flap is TRUE?
A. It is a thick , non-pliable flap
B. It is based on the Posterior Radial Collateral Artery.
C. The Medial and Lateral Antebrachial Nerves can be incorporated into the flap.
D. The donor site can be closed primarily
E. An arm splint is not required.
848) Which of the following clinical applications for Microvascular Free-Tissue Flaps is INCORRECT?
A. Radial Forearm-Oral cavity Defects
B. Gracilis-Facial Reanimation
C. Latissimus Dorsi-Skull Base Reconstruction
D. Ileac Crest-Orbital Defect
E. Fibula-Mandibular Defects
849) Which of following statements about the Rectus Myocutaneous Free Flap is TRUE?
A. The Rectus Abdominal Muscle has a dual blood supply from the deep inferior and superior epigastric arteries.
B. The deep inferior and superior Epigastric Arteries are branches of the Internal Iliac Artery.
C. The Rectus Myocutaneous Free Flap is based in the Superior Epigastric Artery and Vein.
D. The Rectus Myocutaneous Free Flap should be designed below the Arcuate Line.
E. The Rectus Myocutaneous Free Flap has a low potential for abdominal wall hernia.
850) Which of the following statements about Microvascular Reconstruction is TRUE?
A. The vessels should be handled by the intima
B. The most common arterial anastomosis is End-to-Side.
C. Microvascular anastomosis involves the use of 9-0, interrupted or continuous stitches, with slow absorbing sutures.
D. The advantage of the Continuous Suture Technique is the lack of leakage at the anastomosis site.
E. The disadvantage of the Continuous Suture Technique is narrowing at the anastomosis of the vessel lumen.
841) B Post-auricular Full Thickness Skin Graft
Rousso D. E., Fedok F. G.: Nasal Reconstruction, chapter 22 in Nasal Plastic Surgery (McCollough E. G. , editor), 1994, pp. 321-343
842) B The Capsulopalpebral Fascia is a primary retractor of the Lower Eyelid.
843) C Scapular Flaps allow a maximal 10 cm. bone length availability.
Burkey B. B., Coleman Jr, J.R.: Microvascular Flaps, Chapter 47 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel I. D. , editor), Second Edition, 2002, pp. 567-590
Burkey B. B., Schmalbach C. E., Coleman Jr, J.R.: Microvascular Flaps, Chapter 57 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel I. D. , editor), Third Edition, 2009, pp. 765-793
844) C Vessels should be handled by the intima.
Burkey B. B., Coleman Jr, J.R.: Microvascular Flaps, Chapter 47 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel I. D. , editor), Second Edition, 2002, pp. 567-590
Burkey B. B., Schmalbach C. E., Coleman Jr, J.R.: Microvascular Flaps, Chapter 57 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel I. D. , editor), Third Edition, 2009, pp. 765-793
845) B 24 hours
Burkey B. B., Coleman Jr, J.R.: Microvascular Flaps, Chapter 47 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel I. D. , editor), Second Edition, 2002, pp. 567-590
Burkey B. B., Schmalbach C. E., Coleman Jr, J.R.: Microvascular Flaps, Chapter 57 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel I. D. , editor), Third Edition, 2009, pp. 765-793
846) E It does not carry sensory innervation.
Burkey B. B., Schmalbach C. E., Coleman Jr, J.R.: Microvascular Flaps, Chapter 57 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel I. D. , editor), Third Edition, 2009, pp. 765-793
847) C The Medial and Lateral Antebrachial Nerves can be incorporated into the flap.
Burkey B. B., Coleman Jr, J.R.: Microvascular Flaps, Chapter 47 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel I. D. , editor), Second Edition, 2002, pp. 567-590
Burkey B. B., Schmalbach C. E., Coleman Jr, J.R.: Microvascular Flaps, Chapter 57 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel I. D. , editor), Third Edition, 2009, pp. 765-793
848) C Latissimus Dorsi-Skull Base Reconstruction
Burkey B. B., Coleman Jr, J.R.: Microvascular Flaps, Chapter 47 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel I. D. , editor), Second Edition, 2002, pp. 567-590
Burkey B. B., Schmalbach C. E., Coleman Jr, J.R.: Microvascular Flaps, Chapter 57 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel I. D. , editor), Third Edition, 2009, pp. 765-793
849) A The Rectus Abdominal Muscle has a dual blood supply from the deep inferior and superior epigastric arteries.
Burkey B. B., Coleman Jr, J.R.: Microvascular Flaps, Chapter 47 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel I. D. , editor), Second Edition, 2002, pp. 567-590
Burkey B. B., Schmalbach C. E., Coleman Jr, J.R.: Microvascular Flaps, Chapter 57 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel I. D. , editor), Third Edition, 2009, pp. 765-793
850) E The disadvantage of the Continuous Suture Technique is narrowing at the anastomosis of the vessel lumen.
Burkey B. B., Coleman Jr, J.R.: Microvascular Flaps, Chapter 47 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel I. D. , editor), Second Edition, 2002, pp. 567-590
Burkey B. B., Schmalbach C. E., Coleman Jr, J.R.: Microvascular Flaps, Chapter 57 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel I. D. , editor), Third Edition, 2009, pp. 765-793
Updated: June 25, 2017
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