861) The drawing below represents a local flap used to close a circular defect located just below the mid lower eyelid margin. Which of the following statements regarding the flap is TRUE?

B. It is an improper flap.
C. Most of the scars violate the direction of the RSTLs.
D. The vectors of tension are parallel to the eyelid margin.
E. Eyelid margin distortion is very unlikely.
862) Which of the following nonabsorbable sutures has the MOST tissue reaction?
A. Silk
B. Nylon
C. Polypropylene (Prolene)
D. Polyester (Mersilene)
E. Stainless steel
863) Which of the following microsurgical suture materials is the MOST commonly used?
A. Nylon with a taper curved needle
B. Nylon with a cutting curved needle
C. Nylon with a cutting reversed curved needle
D. Polypropylene (Prolene) with a taper curved needle
E. Polypropylene (Prolene) with a cutting reversed curved needle
864) Which of the following statements about the suture material PLAIN CATGUT is FALSE?
A. It is derived from the submucosal layer of sheep intestine.
B. It elicits a low inflammatory response.
C. It loses its tensile strength by 7 days.
D. It increases its tensile strength up to 14 days by treating the catgut with chromium salts (chromic gut).
E. It ideal for subcutaneous closure.
865) Which of the following complications is MOST commonly seen after using costal cartilage for nasal dorsal augmentation?
A. Infection
B. Extrusion
C. Warping
D. Displacement
E. Resorption
866) Which of the following techniques to repair Unilateral Cleft Lip involves Upper and Lower Lip Z-plasties?
A. Millard
B. Tennison-Randall
C. Rose-Thompson
D. Skoog
E. Le Mesurier
867) Which of the following statements about the topical antibacterial agent Sulfamylon (Mafenide) is FALSE?
A. It will penetrate the eschar
B. No hypersensitivity is known
C. It is painful at application.
D. It produces metabolic acidosis with a compensatory respiratory alkalosis.
E. It accentuates post-burn hyperventilation.
868) Which of the following characteristics of congenital melanocytic nevi is related to the risk of development of melanoma?
A. Color
B. Size
C. Shape
D. Border
E. Hairy
869) Which of following statements about Scalp Reconstruction is FALSE?
A. Skin grafting provides a suboptimal cosmetic result
B. Skin grafts will take in pericranium or drilled calvarial bone
C. Local flaps must be designed larger and longer than those in other areas
D. Local flaps will cause donor site very difficult to close
E. The local flaps used are rotation in design only due to the lack of elasticity.
870) Which is of the following anatomical sites is the BEST donor site for Split-Thickness Skin Grafts for the Upper Eyelids?
A. Preauricular
B. Postauricular
C. Supraclavicular
D. Inner aspect of the arm
E. Inner aspect of the thigh
861) B It is an improper flap.
Pletcher S. D., Kim D. W.: Current Concepts in Cheek Reconstruction, Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Local Cuteneous Flaps, (Park S.S., editor), May 2005, Vol.13, No. 2, pp. 267-281
862) A Silk
Maas C. S.: Sutures and Needles, Wound Management and Suturing Manual, Facial Plastic Surgery, American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, pp.25-36
864) B It elicits a low inflammatory response
Maas C. S.: Sutures and Needles, Wound Management and Suturing Manual, Facial Plastic Surgery, American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, pp.25-36
Stal S., Spira M.: Cartilage Grafting in Current Therapy in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Head and Neck, (Marsh J.L., editor), 1989, pp.63-70
866) D Skoog
Stark R. B., Tomljanovich P.I.: The Cleft Lip, Chapter 6 in Operative Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Barron J. N., & Saad M. N., editors), Churchill Livingstone, Volume 1, 1980, pp.149-173
http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1279641-overviewStark R. B., Tomljanovich P.I.: The Cleft Lip, Chapter 6 in Operative Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Barron J. N., & Saad M. N., editors), Churchill Livingstone, Volume 1, 1980, pp.149-173
867) B No hypersensitivity is known
Kucan J. O.: Burns and Trauma, Chapter 12 in Plastic Surgery, A Core Curriculum, (Ruberg R.L. and Smith D.J., editors), 1994, pp.207-237
868) B Size
Padgett J.K.: Cutaneous Lesions: Benign and Malignant, Local Cutaneous Flaps, (Park S. S., editor), Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, May 2005, Vol.13, No.2, pp.195-202
869) E The local flaps used are rotation in design only due to the lack of elasticity.
Earnest L. M., Byrne P. J.: Scalp Reconstruction, Local Cutaneous Flaps, (Park S.S., editor), Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, May 2005, Vol. 13, No 2, pp.345-353
870) D Inner aspect of the arm
Cassisi N. J.: Cervical Trauma, Chapter 27 in Operative Challenges in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, (Pillsbury III H. C., Goldsmith III M. M., editors), 1990, pp.497-504
Updated: June 25, 2017
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