151) The angle for an M-plasty, indicated in the drawing, SHOULD BE approximately?

A. 30 degrees
B. 40 degrees
C. 50 degrees
D. 60 degrees
E. 70 degrees
152) Which of the following methods involves the measure of TIP PROJECTION in relation to the length of the upper lip?
A. Simons
B. Gonzalez-Ulloa
C. Byrd
D. Crumley
E. Goode
153) Which of the following chemical peels is MOST commonly used for the treatment of fine lower eyelid rhytids during the Transcutaneous Blepharoplasty Skin Flap Techniques?
A. 35% trichloroacetic acid
B. 50% trichloroacetic acid
C. 89% Phenol
D. Baker-Gordon Phenol Formula
E. Chemical Peeling is not indicated.
154) Which of the following operative maneuvers will DECREASE ROTATION?
A. Full-transfixion incision
B. Plumping grafts
C. Columellar strut
D. Lateral crura steal
E. Cephalic resection
155) Which of the following statements regarding the indications for rhytidectomy is FALSE?
A. Rhytidectomy will correct ptosis of the jowl.
B. Rhytidectomy will correct blunting of the cervicomental angle.
C. Rhytidectomy will correct the wrinkles and creases of facial skin.
D. Rhytidectomy will be most helpful in patients with a high posterior hyoid bone.
E. Rhytidectomy will be helpful in patients with strong facial bone structures and prominent cheek bones.
156) In which of the following medical conditions is the use of synthetic tissue adhesives for wound closure INDICATED?
A. Patients with insulin-dependent diabetes
B. Patients with collagen vascular disease
C. Patients with tendency to form hypertrophic scars or keloids
D. Patients with a known history of an allergic response to formaldehyde
E. Wound depth beyond the depth of the dermis with tendency toward skin-edge inversion
157) Which of the following combination of incisions is USED in the Delivery Approach in Rhinoplasty?
A. Intercartilaginous and Transcolumellar
B. Intercartilaginous and Rim
C. Intercartilaginous and Marginal
D. Transcartilaginous and marginal
E. Transcartilaginous and Transcolumellar
158) Which of the following statements about the Open Approach in Rhinoplasty is FALSE?
A. Combines bilateral marginal incisions and a transcolumellar incision
B. Compromises a major support mechanism for the tip of the nose
C. Compromises a minor support mechanism for the tip of the nose
D. Provides excellent visualization for diagnosis, exposure and academic teaching
E. Fosters prolonged nasal tip postoperative edema
159) Which of the following muscles OPENS the eustachian tube?
A. Tensor Veli Palatine
B. Levator Veli Palatine
C. Musculus Uvulae
D. Glossopalatine
E. Palatopharyngeous
160) Which of the following potential complications in Lower Transconjuntival Blepharoplasty is THE LEAST possible to occur?
A. Overcorrection
B. Undercorrection
C. Increased skin wrinkles
D. Increased skin redundancy
E. Lower eyelid retraction
151) A 30 degrees
Davidson T.M.: Lacerations and Scar Revision, Chapter 23 in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (Cummings, Fredrickson, Harker, Krause, Richardson, Schuller, editors), Third Edition, Mosby, Vol. 1, pp. 439-452, 1998
152) A Simons
Ridley M.B., VanHook S. M.: Aesthetic Facial Proportions, Chapter 9, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Thieme Medical Publishers, second edition (Ira Papel, editor) p. 104, 2002
Ridley M.B., VanHook S. M.: Aesthetic Facial Proportions, Chapter 11, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Thieme Medical Publishers, Third edition (Ira Papel, editor) p. 128, 2009
154) A Full-transfixion incision
Becker D.G.: Complications of Rhinoplasty, Chapter 39 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Thieme Medical Publishers, second edition (Ira Papel, editor) p. 453, 2002
Becker D.G.: Complications of Rhinoplasty, Chapter 49 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Thieme Medical Publishers, Third edition (Ira Papel, editor) p. 641, 2009
155) C Rhytidectomy will correct the wrinkles and creases of facial skin.
Kridel R.W.H., Covello L.V.: The Aging Face (Rhytidectomy), Chapter 180 in Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, (Bailey B.J., editor) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Third Edition, 2001, pp. 2317-2324
Kridel R.W.H., Soliemanzadeh P.: The Aging Face (Rhytidectomy), Chapter 177 in Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, (Bailey B.J., editor) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 4th Edition, 2006, pp. 2627-2649
Toriumi D.M., Bagal A.A.: Cyanocrylate Tissue Adhesives for Skin Closure in the Outpatient Setting, Otolaryngology Clinics of North America, Volume 35, Number 1, February 2002, pp.103-107
Tardy ME., Toriumi DAM., Hecht D.A.: Philosophy and Principles of Rhinoplasty, chapter 32, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Thieme Medical Publishers, second edition (Ira Papel, editor) pp.378-381, 2002
Tardy ME., Toriumi DAM., Hecht D.A.: Philosophy and Principles of Rhinoplasty, chapter 40, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Thieme Medical Publishers, Third edition (Ira Papel, editor) 507-528, 2009Tardy Jr., M. E., Thomas J. R.: Rhinoplasty, chapter 36 in Cummings Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Fifth Edition, Volume one, Mosby Elsevier, 2010, pp.508-544
158) B Compromises a major support mechanism for the tip of the nose
Tardy ME., Toriumi DAM., Hecht D.A.: Philosophy and Principles of Rhinoplasty, chapter 32, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Thieme Medical Publishers, second edition (Ira Papel, editor) pp.378-381, 2002
Tardy ME., Toriumi DAM., Hecht D.A.: Philosophy and Principles of Rhinoplasty, chapter 40, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Thieme Medical Publishers, Third edition (Ira Papel, editor) 507-528, 2009
159) A Tensor Veli Palatine
Pasha R, Areden R.L. Facial Plastic and Reconstructive, Chapter 7 in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Clinical Reference Guide, (Pasha R., Editor), Singular Thomson Learning, 2001, p. 436
160) E Lower eyelid retraction
Groth M.J.: Transconjuntival Lower Blepharoplasty in Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Volume 6 Number 1, Saunders, pp. 63-65, 1998
Updated: May 1, 2017
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