161) The angle in a fusiform excision as indicated in the drawing SHOULD BE approximately?

A. 30 degrees
B. 40 degrees
C. 50 degrees
D. 60 degrees
E. 70 degrees
162) Which of the following statements regarding the palpebral spring is TRUE?
A. It is a passive animation method used in the management of lagophtalmos due to facial paralysis.
B. It is easily placed in proper position in the upper lid.
C. The lower end should be wrapped in a sheet of Gelfilm.
D. Both gravity and pressure are factors that help to restore eyelid function.
E. The distance between the spring arms should be 1.5 times the palpebral aperture.
163) The maximal muscle weakness response after the use of botulinum A Toxin injection is:
A. 2 weeks
B. 1 week
C. 36 hours
D. 24 hours
E. 12 hours
164) Which of the following is NOT CONSIDERED a “danger zone” in the use of dermabrasion?
A. Maxillary area
B. Zygomatic arch area
C. Malar eminence area
D. Chin area
E. Forehead area
165) Which of the following statements regarding injectable collagen materials is TRUE?
A. Zyderm I is used in a 25 mg/ml concentration.
B. Zyderm II is used in a 50 mg/ml concentration.
C. Zyplast is a collagen cross-link with gluteraldehyde.
D. Bovine collagen allergic sensitivity is about 5%.
E. Correction will remain for approximately 18 months.
166) Which of the following techniques is the MOST useful in the treatment of Deep-Pitted Acne Scars located around the oral commisure?
A. CO2 laser resurfacing
B. Erbium laser resurfacing
C. Dermabrasion
D. Punch excision with primary closure
E. Chemical Peeling
167) Which of the following statements regarding eyelid anatomy is FALSE?
A. The posterior lamella is composed by the tarsus, the lower lid retractors and the conjuntiva.
B. The cosmetically appealing eye has an “almond” shape.
C. The lower lid margin should be tangential to the inferior limbus of the iris.
D. The lateral canthus is approximately 2 mm higher than the medial canthus.
E. The shape and the position of the upper eyelid is the primary determinant of the general eye shape.
168) Which of the following clinical conditions will benefit THE MOST by the Transconjuntival Blepharoplasty?
A. Minimal orbital fat pseudoherniation with marked eyelid laxity and no orbicularis muscle hypertrophy
B. Marked orbital fat pseudoherniation, with minimal eyelid laxity and no orbicularis muscle hypertrophy
C. Minimal orbital fat pseudoherniation, no eyelid laxity and no orbicularis muscle hypertrophy
D. Marked orbital fat pseudoherniation, severe eyelid laxity and marked orbicularis muscle hypertrophy
E. Marked orbital fat pseudoherniation without eyelid laxity and marked orbicularis muscle hypertrophy
169) Which of the following conditions is BEST improved by Subciliary Blepharoplasty?
A. Fine wrinkles of the lower eyelids
B. Crow’s feet
C. Changes in coloration of the eyelid
D. Malar bags
E. Hypertrophied orbicularis muscle
170) Which of the following statements is THE MOST common presentation of cleft lip and palate disorders?
A. Combined cleft lip and palate
B. Isolated cleft palate
C. Isolated cleft lip
D. Isolated cleft lip and alveolus
E. Isolated unilateral imcomplete cleft lip
161) A 30 degrees
Davidson T.M.: Lacerations and Scar Revision, Chapter 23 in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (Cummings, Fredrickson, Harker, Krause, Richardson, Schuller, editors), Third Edition, Mosby, Vol. 1, pp. 439-452, 1998
Foster J.A., Wulc A.E.: Cosmetic Use of Botulinum A Toxin in Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Volume 6 Number 1, Saunders, pp. 63-65, 1998
Lovice D.: Botulinum Toxin Use in Facial Plastic Surgery, Office-Based Procedures in Facial Plastic Surgery, Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America, Volume 35, Number 1, Saunders, pp. 171-172, February 2002
Alt T.H.: Dermabrasion in Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Volume 6 Number 1, Saunders, p. 51, 1998
165) C Zyplast is a collagen cross-link with gluteraldehyde.
Cheng J. T., Perkins S. W., Hamilton M.M.: Collagen and Injectable Fillers, Office-Based Procedures in Facial Plastic Surgery, Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America, Volume 35, Number 1, Saunders, pp.73-77, February 2002
Maas C. S., Yu K. C. Y., Egan K. K.: Neuromodulators and Injectables Soft Tissue Substitutes, Chapter 28, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel I. D., editor), pp. 337-353, 2009
Skouge J. W., Diwan R. V.: Soft Tissue Augmentation with Injectable Collagen, Chapter 24, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (Papel & Nachlas, editors), pp. 208-214, 1992
166) D Punch excision with primary closure
Mangat D.S., Robinson B.P.: Adjuntive Treatment of Deep-Pitted Acne Scars in Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Volume 2 Number 1, Saunders, p. 69-75, 1994
Friedman O., Zaldivar R. A., Wang T. D.: Blepharoplasty, chapter 30 in Cummings Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Fifth edition, Volume one, Mosby Elsevier, 2010, pp. 439-451
168) B Marked orbital fat pseudoherniation, with minimal eyelid laxity and no orbicularis muscle hypertrophy
Friedman O., Zaldivar R. A., Wang T. D.: Blepharoplasty, chapter 30 in Cummings Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Fifth edition, Volume one, Mosby Elsevier, 2010, pp. 439-451
169) E Hypertrophied orbicularis muscle
Friedman O., Zaldivar R. A., Wang T. D.: Blepharoplasty, chapter 30 in Cummings Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Fifth edition, Volume one, Mosby Elsevier, 2010, pp. 439-451
170) A Combined cleft lip and palate
Pasha R, Areden R.L.: Facial Plastic and Reconstructive, Chapter 7 in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Clinical Reference Guide, (Pasha R., Editor), Singular Thomson Learning, 2001, p. 437
Updated: May 1, 2017
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