1101) Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding seborrheic keratoses?
A. Seborrehic keratoses are due to sun exposure.
B. Seborrehic keratoses have a premalignant potential.
C. Seborrehic keratoses require a mandatory excision.
D. Seborrehic keratoses are superficial lesions.
E. Seborrehic keratoses can occur anywhere on the body including the palms and soles.
1102) Which of the following skin conditions IS TREATED effectively with topical 5-fluorouracil and/or Imiquimod cream?
A. Seborrehic keratoses
B. Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra
C. Actinic keratosis
D. Basal cell carcinoma
E. Keratoacantoma
1103) Which of the following skin nevus is the MOST common in the adult population?
A. Junctional nevus
B. Intradermal nevus
C. Compound nevus
D. Halo nevus
E. Blue nevus
1104) A "LARGE" congenital nevus is defined as a lesion of
A. Greater than 20 cm
B. Between 15-20 cm
C. Between 15-10 cm
D. Between 5-10 cm
E.Up to 5 cm with rapid exophitic growth
1105) Which of the following is the MOST appropriate management for a "LARGE" congenital nevus?
A. Conservative, no surgery.
B. Surgery, serial excision in stages
C. Surgery, total excision one stage
D. CO2 laser
E. Intralesional injections of methotrexate
1106) Which of the following scar revision techniques is the ONE used in the drawing?

B. Compound Z-plasty
C. Serial Z-plasty
D. Running W-plasty
E. Geometric broken line closure
1107) Which of the following percentages is the approximately chance of developing melanoma in the first two decades of life, in a child with a "LARGE" congenital nevus?
A. 1%
B. 5%
C. 10%
D. 20%
E. 25%
1108) The MOST appropriate management of spider telangiectasia is
A. Electrocautery
B. Incisional biopsy
C. Excision
D. Chemical peeling
E. CO2 laser
1109) Which of the following facial conditions will NOT require treatment?
A. Displastic nevus
B. Actinic keratosis
C. Venous lakes
D. Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans
E. Trichoepithelioma
1110) Which of the following statements regarding hemangiomas and vascular malformations is FALSE?
A. Hemangiomas are present at birth.
B. Hemangiomas are characterized by a rapid postnatal growth for the first 8 to 12 months.
C. Hemangiomas have a slow regression over 5-8 years.
D. Vascular malformations grows proportional with the child's age.
E. Vascular malformations will expand with hormonal changes.
1101) D Seborrehic keratoses are superficial lesions.
Lee K.K., Mehrany K., Swanson N. A.: Recognition and treatment of skin lesions, chapter 22 in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, (Cummings, editor), 4th edition, 2005, Mosby
1102) C Actinic keratosis
Lee K.K., Mehrany K., Swanson N. A.: Recognition and treatment of skin lesions, chapter 22 in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, (Cummings, editor), 4th edition, 2005, Mosby
1103) B Intradermal nevus
Lee K.K., Mehrany K., Swanson N. A.: Recognition and treatment of skin lesions, chapter 22 in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, (Cummings, editor), 4th edition, 2005, Mosby
1104) A Greater than 20 cm
Zimbler M. S., Ham J.: Aesthetic Facial Analysis, chapter 21 in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, (Cummings, editor), 4th edition, 2005, Mosby
1105) B Surgery, serial excision in stages
Lee K.K., Mehrany K., Swanson N. A.: Recognition and treatment of skin lesions, chapter 22 in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, (Cummings, editor), 4th edition, 2005, Mosby
1106) C Serial Z-plasty
Regan Thomas J., Ross Mobley S.: Scar Revision and camouflage, chapter 25 in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, (Cummings, editor), 4th edition, 2005, Mosby
1107) C 10%
Regan Thomas J., Ross Mobley S.: Scar Revision and camouflage, chapter 25 in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, (Cummings, editor), 4th edition, 2005, Mosby
1108) A Electrocautery
Lee K.K., Mehrany K., Swanson N. A.: Recognition and treatment of skin lesions, chapter 22 in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, (Cummings, editor), 4th edition, 2005, Mosby
1109) C Venous lakes
Lee K.K., Mehrany K., Swanson N. A.: Recognition and treatment of skin lesions, chapter 22 in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, (Cummings, editor), 4th edition, 2005, Mosby
1110) A Hemangiomas are present at birth.
Lee K.K., Mehrany K., Swanson N. A.: Recognition and treatment of skin lesions, chapter 22 in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, (Cummings, editor), 4th edition, 2005, Mosby
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