Monday, October 24, 2011

1111-1120 MCQ Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery


1111) Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the surface eyelid anatomy?

A. The upper eyelid skin crease is approximately 10 mm superior to the eyelid margin.
B. The upper eyelid skin crease is formed by the attachment of the Muller's muscle.
C. The lateral canthal angle is 2 mm higher than the medial canthal angle.
D. The distance from the medial canthus to the midline of the nose is approximately 15 mm.
E. The palpebral fissure presents at the lateral canthus with an angle of 30°.

1112) Which is the proper sensory innervation of the eyelids?

A. CN V1
B. CN V2
C. CN V3
D. CN V1 and CN V2
E. CN V2 and CN V3

1113) Which of the following statements in eyelid anatomy is FALSE?

A. All of the eyelid fat pads lie deep to the orbital septum.
B. The lower eyelid contains three fat pads: medial, central, and lateral.
C. The capsulopalpebral fascia is one of the lower eyelid retractors.
D. The eyelid retractors are superficial to the fat pads.
E. Mueller's muscle is innervated by sympathetic nerve fibers.

1114) It is a connective tissue structure that attaches peripherally at the periosteum of the orbital margin, lies just deep to the orbicularis oculi muscle and centrally fuses with the lid retractor structures near the lid margins. Which of the following best described the eyelid structure presented previously?

A. The tarsal plate
B. The medial palpebral ligament
C. The medial palpebral ligament
D. The orbicularis retaining ligament
E. The orbital septum

1115) The hollowed-out appearance following cosmetic blepharoplasty is MOST commonly associated with

A. Excesive of skin resection
B. Excesive of muscle resection
C. Excesive fat resection
D. Damage to the lacrimal gland
E. Poor wound healing and scarring

1116) Which of the following surgical techniques BEST describe the ONE used in the drawing below?

A. Two V-Y plasties
B. Two Half Z-plasties
C. Two opposing Z-plasties
D. Running W-plasty
E. Two M-plasties

1117) The prevalance of orbital hemorrage associated with cosmetic blepharoplasty is approximately

A. 1 case in 250
B. 1 case in 500
C. 1 case in 1000
D. 1 case in 1500
E. 1 case in 2000

1118) The prevalance of blindness associated with cosmetic blepharoplasty is approximately

A. 1 case in 2000
B. 1 case in 3000
C. 1 case in 5000
D. 1 case in 10.000
E. 1 case in 20.000

1119) In wound healing the MAXIMAL CONTRACTION occurs at

A. 1 week
B. 2 weeks
C. 3 weeks
D. 1 month
E. 2 months

1120) Which of the following features is NOT associated with an ideal or beautiful youthful eye?

A. No scleral show
B. Palpebral aperture has an almond shape
C. Upper eyelid covers 1 mm of the superior limbus
D. Negative Lateral Canthal Tilt
E. Intercanthal distance is equal to the width of the eye


1111) B     The upper eyelid skin crease is formed by the attachment of the Muller's muscle.

1112) D     CN V1 and CN V2

1113) D     The eyelid retractors are superficial to the fat pads.

Oren Friedman, Tom D. Wang,Ted A. Cook: Management of the aging periorbital area, chapter 32 in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, (Cummings, editor), 4th edition, 2005, Mosby

1114) E     The orbital septum

1115) C     Excesive fat resection

1116) C     Two opposing Z-plasties

Thomas J. R., Ehlert T. K.: Local Flaps in Soft-Tissue Surgery, chapter 11 in Otolaryngology, English, Volume 4, J. B. Lippincott Co., pp. 1-29

1117) E     1 case in 2000

1118) E     1 case in 20.000

1119) B      2 weeks

Pitzer G. B., Patel K. G.: Proper Care of Early Wounds to Optimize Healing and Prevent Complications, Scar: Prevention, Correction and Reduction, (Mobley S. R., editor), Facial Plastic Clinic of North America, Vol.19, No. 3, August 2011, pp. 491-504

1120) D     Negative Lateral Canthal Tilt

Volpe C. R. V., Martinez O. M.: The Beautiful Eye, Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Blepharoplasty, (Nassif P. S., editor), Saunders, Vol. 13, No. 4, Nov. 2005, pp. 493-504

Updated: August 5, 2017

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