Updated: May 6, 2019
1381) Which of the following f-stop use in digital facial photography has the greatest depth of field (DOF)?
A. f/2.8
B. f/4
C. f/8
D. f/16
E. f/32
1382) Which of the following statements regarding SOLID SILICONE is FALSE?
A. It is free from resorption.
B. It has a porous nature
C. It has a high extrusion rate.
D. The surrounding tissue will not infiltrate the implant
E. A fibrous tissue capsule will form around the implant.
1383) Which of the following statements regarding the Melolabial Flap is TRUE?
A. It is a random pattern flap
B. It is used only as flap based superiorly
C. It is used as an interpolated flap or transposition flap
D. It is useful for nasal defects of the middle third of the nose
E. It is not useful for full thickness defects of the nasal ala.
1384) Which of the following statements regarding Submental Lymphedema in Head and Neck Cancer Patient is FALSE?
A. Lymphedema of the neck in oncologic patients has been reported as high as 30% after sugery and radiation
B. Surgery in head and neck violates the normal flow of the lymphatics, inducing lymphedema
C. Radiation therapy induced inflammation and scarring the lymphatics, inducing lymphedema
D. Lymphedema can be severe to limit the range of motion of the jaw, neck and even shoulders
E. Liposuction is ineffective to improve or correct this type of edema.
1385) Which of the following facial implant locations is the MOST commonly involved in adverse events or complications?
A. Midface
B. Malar
C. Chin
D. Mandibular
E. Nasal
1386) What is the name of the DISTANCE represented by the arrow in the drawing below (Wave properties of light)?

A. Amplitude
B. Time
C. Period
D. Wavelength
E. Frequency
1387) Which of the following techniques in the management of a severe protruding premaxilla associated with a complete bilateral cleft lip is the BEST to correct the deformity with less surgical stages in the process.?
A. Lip adhesion
B. Elastic straps
C. Nasoalveolar molding
D. Complete excision
E. Vomerine ostectomy
1388) The absent or poor defined antihelix as a prominent ear deformity is seen approximately?
A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 40%
D. 70%
E. 90%
1389) Which of the following anatomical area of the scalp IS THE BEST to use scalp reduction procedures?.
A. Crown
B. Frontline
C. Midcoronal
D. Parietal
E. Vertex
1390) What is the PROPER STARTING DOSE of Botox used per side in the lateral orbital region (lateral orbicularis oculi)?
A. 5 U
B. 10 U
C. 30 U.
D. 40 U.
E. 50 U.
1381) E f/32
Lee M. K.Most S.P.: Photography in Facial Plastic Surgery, chapter 9 in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, ( Papel I.D.), Thieme, Fourth Edition, 2016, pp. 86-96.
1382) B It has a porous nature
In-Sang Kim: Augmentation Rhinoplasty using Silicone
Implants, in Facial Plastic for the Asian Nose, F acial Plastic Surgery Clinics (Yong Ju Jang), August 2018, pp.
1383) C It is used as an interpolated flap or transposition flap
Park S. S.: Local and Regional Cutaneous Flaps, chapter 49
1384) E Liposuction is ineffective to improve or correct this type of edema.
Brake M. K., Jain L., Hart R. D., Trites J.
R.B., Rigby M., Taylor S. M.: Liposuction for Submental Lymphedema Improves Appearance and
Self-Perception in the Head and Neck Cancer Patient, Otolaryngology-Head and Neck
Surgery 2014, Vol. 151 (2) 221-225
Rayess H. M., Svider P. , Hanba C., Sagar Patel V., Carron M.: Adverse Events in Facial Implant Surgery and Associated Malpractice Litigation, JAMA Facial Plastic Surger, May/June 2018, Vol. 20, Number 3, pp. 244-248
1386) D Wavelength
1387) E Vomerine ostectomy
Almas F., Cote V., Ramly E. P., Kantar R. S., Hamdan U.: Premaxillary Setback with Posterior Vomerine Ostectomy:Outcomes of Single-Stage Repair of Complete Bilateral Cleft Lip with a Severly Protruding Premaxilla, The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal 2019, Vol. 56 (4), pp. 471-478
Nabil Fakih-Gomez, Marta Sanchez-Sanchez, Fernando Iglesias-Martin,Alberto Garcia-Perla-Garcia, Rodolfo Belmonte-Caro, and Luis-Miguel Gonzalez-Perez, Repair of complete bilateral cleft lip with severely protruding premaxilla performing a premaxillary setback and vomerine ostectomy in one stage surgery, Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal . 2015; 20 (4): e500-e507
1388) D 70%
Norbert V. Kang, Walid Sabbagh, Greg O'Toole, Michael Silberberg, MD, MBA: Earfold: A New Technique for Correction of the Shape of the Antihelix, Laryngoscope Investig Otolaryngol. 2018 Oct; 128(10): 2282–2290.
1389) E Vertex
Rousso D. E., Stough D. B., Rutherford K. D: Hair Restoration, chapter 28
Attenello N. HH., Sheu M. C., Maas C. S.: Neuromodulators in Facial Aesthetics, chapter 22
Updated: May 7, 2019
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